Venus in Virgo in the Ninth House
金星位于处女座,表明你需要有辨别力。 关系.这也表明你有审视自己价值观的倾向。这通常表现为对完美的需求,无论是在你的人际关系中,还是在你发现自己被吸引的事物中。与处女座金星有关的许多行为和个性特征都是这种需要的结果,即觉得一切都很完美或一切都在掌控之中。
金星在处女座时,如果你对自己的自我身份缺乏安全感,你就会要求身边的每件事、每个人都表现出完美的一面,而你自己也知道自己的不足。 如果你只看到身边的完美,你也许就能忘记自己的不足。然而,由于金星位于处女座,没有任何人或事能达到你对完美的高标准,因此,你永远处于一种不满意的状态。与此同时,你还对这个不完美的世界必然会带来的失望感到焦虑不安。因此,你一生都在担心、焦虑和批评,从未享受或欣赏过任何东西。
Venus in the 9th House suggests that you engage yourself in your experiences and your relationships in a somewhat detached manner but that you are, nevertheless, involved through searching and expanding the realm of your experience. With Venus in the 9th House, you may be driven to use your faculties of perception to understand your experiences and your relationships. You understand through judging and by reflecting on your experience using the mirror of your values. Thus, there is often tension in your relationships and in your perceptions and attitudes that is marked by a pull to understand and experience coupled with a push away so that you can observe and judge.
Having Venus in the 9th House, you may, therefore, have a tendency to like and enjoy those activities where this combination of involvement and detachment is present. Such activities include the pursuit of academic studies, tourism, and spectator sports. The danger, in terms of your relationships, is that you may become an academician, a tourist or a spectator with respect to your relationship(s).
As an individual with Venus in the 9th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will avoid any true understanding of your values or your relationships so that you do not risk questioning your ego-based point of view. Without questioning and searching your interior, you are free to experience “anything you like” in the name of widening your horizons. You may justify indiscriminate indulgence with the sophistry that you “understand the world” and have become free of the restrictions that bind more narrow-minded people. Similarly, having Venus in the 9th House, you may prove overly adventurous in your relationships, justifying a lack of fidelity with your need to “understand” and “experience life.” Alternatively, you may blindly go through life, claiming that you “just don’t understand” either people or events.
With Venus in the 9th House, you tend to look at the larger picture when making judgments and to take the broader context into consideration. You usually want to understand a thing or person before passing judgment, but once you think you have such an understanding, you may be very opinionated. You may like things that further your understanding or widen your experience of the world. You may be especially fond of or attracted to academics, travel and sports.
通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.
了解自我意识对生活的改变。 深入的星盘分析.更深入地了解自己的真实本性,学习如何以清晰的思路、明确的目标和自信的态度驾驭人生。