Mercury in Virgo in the Eleventh House
Virgo is the Mutable Earth sign and the changeable earth nature of Virgo symbolically forces Mercury’s changeable airy nature to take on form and structure. This allows those functions to be applied to concrete situations, bringing the mental quality associated with Mercury down to earth. The ability to apply the Mercury-associated functions concretely and practically makes them extremely relevant and, thus, tends to bring them to the forefront of your personality.
水星在处女座,如果你对自己缺乏安全感,那么你就会对无法用逻辑或感官验证的事物天生缺乏信任。你的自我无法面对现实,即有些事情是无法通过头脑来了解的。事实上,一旦放弃了逻辑和感官,自我本身就会被证明是一种幻觉。因此,逻辑经验主义成了自我的自我保护。对水星位于处女座的你来说,只有你能用感官感知或用逻辑验证的东西才是真实的。这种立场,不管是有意识的还是无意识的,最终都会迫使你的大脑在验证 "现实 "的过程中对所有事物进行细微的分析。你永远不会做出信仰的飞跃,而且,由于你沉迷于检查和分析,你的 "行动 "都是精神上的。
Mercury in the 11th House:
Mercury is well placed in the 11th House, which is ruled by Uranus. Uranus is said to be Mercury’s higher octave – Mercury being associated with the mundane mind and Uranus being associated with the higher mind. Thus, having Mercury in the 11th House tends to elevate Mercury’s vibration. In the 11th House, the mind is drawn to consider things that lie beyond the ego, e.g., the individual’s role and purpose in society.
For the individual with Mercury in the 11th House, this often results in a tendency for you to identify with a group. It may be common for you to take on the role of communicator and information processor in a group situation. You are also mentally inclined toward taking on social responsibility. If you have an active intellectual life, you are likely to find mental stimulation in the study of society, the individual and collective 关系 to more complex systems, as well as in exploring ways to benefit humanity.
Having Mercury in the 11th House, you are also likely to be mentally activated in group discussions or in working for a group or organization. You are likely to be future-oriented and open to new ideas. However, new ideas must be practical to be well received by you and you are likely to see abstraction for its own sake as useless. You tend to value your intellectual freedom highly.
With Mercury in the 11th House, subconsciously perceiving the inward loneliness that must follow the ascent into the abstract realm of idea, you reject this challenge if you are inwardly insecure. Instead, and as a protective coping mechanism, you find comfort in association with others like yourself. This sense of belonging, particularly when ideas and opinions are held in common, is satisfying. Yet, your fear of mental uniqueness may make group identification an obsession. You may have no ideas of your own, but only adopt those sanctioned by the group. Similarly, having Mercury in the 11th House, your social interaction and communication is very group-oriented and you may see contact with others outside the group as threatening. You may also become obsessed with talking about “my” group and the ideas and opinions espoused by the group.
As an individual with Mercury in the 11th House, your intellect is generally focused on concepts and ideas, especially those having to do with society and the individual’s role within it, with humanity and its place in the order of things, or with the future. You may also be mentally concerned with groups and societies. Your intellect will tend to run along abstract lines and will also have affinity for structured knowledge.
通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.
了解自我意识对生活的改变。 深入的星盘分析.更深入地了解自己的真实本性,学习如何以清晰的思路、明确的目标和自信的态度驾驭人生。