Mars in Sagittarius in the Twelfth House
火星在射手座的位置通常是和谐的。这体现在射手座与火星掌管的 白羊座.射手座是易变的火象星座。与火星有关的炽热能量象征性地与射手座躁动多变的火相和谐融合。这增强了与火星相关的活跃元素,赋予其力量和热情。行动的方向可以是思想世界,也可以是感官世界。这个位置所固有的危险是,射手座之火的 "野性 "可能会导致你无法控制自己的欲望和行动。
火星在射手座,你的内心和潜意识会意识到,要回应你更高的本性,就必须牺牲你更低的本性,也就是你的自我。由于对自己缺乏安全感,并且完全依附于自我,你害怕并不愿意走这条路。因此,你会顺应低级天性,全身心地投入到对快乐和享受的追求中。火星位于射手座,对你来说,快乐是唯一重要的事情,但实际上,"快乐 "只是一个面具,是为了分散你的注意力,使你不必采取行动去追求真正的快乐,而真正的快乐正从你的内心深处向你招手。
Mars in the 12th House:
The Mars in the 12th House placement is most often seen as problematic or detrimental. This is especially true if you are male. This is because the active and assertive nature represented by Mars is opposite the passive and inward looking focus of the 12th House. The blending of the two energies must take place at a high level of consciousness and with care and discipline. In its more positive mode, this placement suggests a desire for hidden knowledge or for the dissolution or transcendence of the ego, with action taken to achieve these ends.
Mars in the 12th House also indicates that you may have an impulse toward compassion and sensitivity. This may shape your actions and desires in a spiritual direction, but it may also result in you holding back your assertiveness out of regard for others. You may also be attracted to the subtler arts, particularly to music.
Dissolution and boundarilessness, which are associated with the 12th House may also produce negative tendencies without the discipline necessary to hold to a high spiritual path. Having Mars in the 12th House, deception, escapism and self-destruction may infuse your motivations and actions.
With Mars in the 12th House, if you are inwardly insecure, your attraction to the unknown and your sense of boundarilessness will make you fearful. Without boundaries, it is difficult for you to impose discipline on your actions and desires. You realize this and may be afraid to act. The “unknown” which frightens you are the Unconscious, which would swallow up and destroy your conscious ego.
Having Mars in the 12th House, one defense against your fears is to flee from those things that are symbolized by the 12th House and lead a very conventional life. In ignoring the unknown and failing to deal with it, however, you leave yourself open to its unwelcome intrusion in the form of unlooked for sorrows, illness, deceptions, etc. These are nothing more than calls from your subconscious for you to pay attention to your inner self. Another type of defense against your fears is the opposite of the first. You define your desires and your actions within the purview of the 12th House. With Mars in the 12th House, you undertake roles and actions that are caricatures of the process of Unbecoming. This is basically a self-destructive, as opposed to a self-transcending path. You can be consumed by addictive and destructive behaviors, such as substance abuse, pathological lying, dependency, etc. The self-destruction may be done openly, or it may remain hidden, with you leading a “double life” – hiding your actions and desires with deception.
As an individual with Mars in the 12th House, your desire tends to be inward and for things that are immaterial or hidden. Mars in the 12th House may signify spiritual desire or a desire to explore the realms of the unconscious. It generally indicates that you do not have much attraction for material objects. Instead, you desire the universal. Mars in the 12th House may also signify desire for things that are hidden or forbidden. Your aims and motivations may be obscure, or your aims and desires may be deceptive.
通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.
了解自我意识对生活的改变。 深入的星盘分析.更深入地了解自己的真实本性,学习如何以清晰的思路、明确的目标和自信的态度驾驭人生。