Sun in Pisces in the Fifth House
太阳位于双鱼座的你,与其他水象星座(巨蟹座和天蝎座)的人一样,有能力深入洞察人类的心理。在你了解事物之前,你就能感觉到它们,而且你的感觉很少出错。如果你有预感,其他人最好注意一下。你的 "千里眼 "部分源于你首先用心去理解,然后才将直觉上的认识合理化。
作为一个太阳位于双鱼座的人,你拥有超强的直觉和对他人看似无底线的理解,然而你非凡的敏感性可能是你最脆弱的地方。你太容易受到每一个人的影响,太容易被别人的不幸故事或求助所打动。对你来说,学会说 "不 "可能是一生的课题,你可能永远也学不会如何拒绝。
作为一个太阳位于双鱼座的人,你会从周围的一切事物中吸收印象、图像和情感,然后通过你的玫瑰色观点来过滤它们,你希望事情是怎样的。这并不是说你不能面对现实--只是你喜欢把生活想象成一部超级浪漫的电影,充满了幸福的结局,每个人都有最美好的动机。你是一个感情丰富的人。当你参与一个创造性的项目或一个充满爱的家庭时,你会感到强烈的快乐和幸福。 关系.反之亦然:你会比大多数人承受更深的悲伤。然而,你比大多数人想象的要坚强。把你推倒,你会像浴缸里的橡胶玩具一样弹回来。你精力充沛,会被周围发生的事情所吸引。你最大的优点是乐于助人;无论谁需要你,你都会随时提供帮助。
With your Sun in the 5th House, your focus tends to be on the creative side of life. Your disposition is generally outward and extroverted. You are likely to be concerned with how you can express yourself in and to the world. Your primary mode of self-expression is likely to be creativity.
As an individual with your Sun in the 5th House, that which you create becomes an extension of yourself. Consequently, you generally become busy extending yourself in the world and increasing your personal interaction and personal exposure through creative engagement. Your goal in this is usually to obtain recognition and self-validation. Therefore, your well-being generally depends upon the response of others to your activities and to the image that you create through your persona. This need for recognition and validation may not be expressed directly. Often, you project yourself through your creations and you interpret the world’s reactions to your creations personally. Therefore, you are likely to be heavily engaged in the process of creation and in interaction with what you have created.
Having your Sun in the 5th House, without a sense of your own independent self-worth or even being, you are totally dependent on recognition and appreciation from others for self-esteem and validation. However, being without an essential sense of self-worth, you are never satisfied with the recognition and validation that you receive. You attach yourself to your “creations” in order to suck self-awareness and being from them. This may manifest as an obsessive concern with or possessiveness toward your children, constantly promoting that to which you lay a claim of authorship, neurotic concern over how you are being perceived and how you are presenting yourself, taking undue risks in order to gain recognition, plotting against others in a battle for recognition and authority, or being too self-absorbed in your personality and self-expressions.
With your Sun in the 5th House, you tend to identify with what you have created. To the extent that your persona is a creation of your psyche, you may identify with the external projection of your persona. However, you are likely to gain your sense of identity and self-worth from what you have made. If you identify your selfhood with those external objects that you have created, then you are vulnerable to your self-worth being affected by what happens to those objects and offspring and by how they are received and treated by the world. If you identify with the creative force within you that has allowed you to create and manifest yourself in the world, then you will be less dependent on externals. Aware of your creative potential, you know that you and your creations are separate and that, no matter what happens to your creatures, you still has the capacity to create. It is this creative capacity, then, that defines for you who you are.
通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.
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了解自我意识对生活的改变。 深入的星盘分析.更深入地了解自己的真实本性,学习如何以清晰的思路、明确的目标和自信的态度驾驭人生。