Pisces Sun in the 11th House

Sun in Pisces in the Eleventh House

Sun in Pisces in 11th House
Sun in Pisces in 11th House

太阳位于双鱼座的你,与其他水象星座(巨蟹座和天蝎座)的人一样,有能力深入洞察人类的心理。在你了解事物之前,你就能感觉到它们,而且你的感觉很少出错。如果你有预感,其他人最好注意一下。你的 "千里眼 "部分源于你首先用心去理解,然后才将直觉上的认识合理化。

作为一个太阳位于双鱼座的人,你拥有超强的直觉和对他人看似无底线的理解,然而你非凡的敏感性可能是你最脆弱的地方。你太容易受到每一个人的影响,太容易被别人的不幸故事或求助所打动。对你来说,学会说 "不 "可能是一生的课题,你可能永远也学不会如何拒绝。





作为一个太阳位于双鱼座的人,你会从周围的一切事物中吸收印象、图像和情感,然后通过你的玫瑰色观点来过滤它们,你希望事情是怎样的。这并不是说你不能面对现实--只是你喜欢把生活想象成一部超级浪漫的电影,充满了幸福的结局,每个人都有最美好的动机。你是一个感情丰富的人。当你参与一个创造性的项目或一个充满爱的家庭时,你会感到强烈的快乐和幸福。 关系.反之亦然:你会比大多数人承受更深的悲伤。然而,你比大多数人想象的要坚强。把你推倒,你会像浴缸里的橡胶玩具一样弹回来。你精力充沛,会被周围发生的事情所吸引。你最大的优点是乐于助人;无论谁需要你,你都会随时提供帮助。


Sun in the 11th House

The Sun in the 11th House suggests a complex identity problem, since the 11th House opposes the Sun’s natural house, the 5th House (which is associated with Leo). In the 5th House, one is free to express themselves in order to find their identity. With your Sun in the 11th House, you are concerned not only with your personal needs and expression, but with how your identity relates to the larger social construct, whether this be a peer group, a social group or society as a whole.

Having your Sun in the 11th House, you may seek your identity by relating to some group, taking your personal identity from your group identification. If you are a more complex individual, however, this becomes a naïve stage in the process of self-identification. Questions inevitably arise about how you are distinguished from your identity group. While your need for group identification may be strong, you recognize the danger that your personal identity may become submerged in the group identity. When this happens, the extent to which you can assert your personal identity and yet remain within the group becomes problematic.


As an individual with your Sun in the 11th House, because you are inwardly insecure, you give undue attention to yourself and you are unwilling to detach yourself from the ego even in the least little bit. Rather than develop an authentic personality (taking responsibility for your selfhood), you adopt a group identity as a cop-out. Yet, unwilling to shoulder your responsibility to the group, you insist on standing out and expressing your individuality.  With your Sun in the 11th House, you have no real loyalty to the group or to its members. Yet, you live in fear that the group will abandon you. You fear facing life without the support of your group identity. Because you have not developed an authentic personal identity, you shrink from self-examination, lest you find a vacuum. Thus, you become the ultimate “groupy,” throwing your life into the life of the group, but in reality having no life to give.

Focus of Self-Identity

With your Sun in the 11th House, you tend to identify yourself in terms of your relationship to society or to social groups. Thus, you are likely to have a lot of social involvement, particularly with groups, clubs and organizations. This can lead you to attach your persona to a group identity. Whether this happens or not, it is likely that organized social involvement will play a key role in forming and maintaining your self-identity.

通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.


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