Gemini Moon in the 11th House

Moon in Gemini in the Eleventh House

Moon in Gemini in 11th House
Moon in Gemini in 11th House

In the lively, restless sign of Gemini the Moon’s sway becomes more mutable and erratic. This does not make all Moon in Gemini children flighty, frivolous, and frenetic, but almost always indicates an active mind, an imaginative and creative personality, and someone who is inclined toward intellectual pursuits. If you have your Moon in Gemini, you are extraordinarily quick to receive sensory impressions from the outside world. You rapidly sift through information and make your judgments. Because Gemini is a mental sign, your snap decisions tend to be more intellectual than emotional. Having your Moon in Gemini, it is not that you are unfeeling, simply that your immediate reaction to stimuli is on a mental plane.

Having your Moon in Gemini, you are a fast learner, probably have a high IQ, and are an excellent critic, for you have an ability both to analyze and to verbalize. Your Moon in Gemini inclines you toward loquaciousness and endows you with great personal charm. You have enchanting vivacity that draws others to you. Conversations with you tend to run off on unexpected tangents and take sudden turns and reverses. At heart, a Moon in Gemini individual is essentially restless and needs constant stimulation. If forced to be indoors or solitary or inactive, you are unhappy and should try to set aside a part of the day to get out and be among people.

A Moon in Gemini makes you extremely impressionable to the changing scene around you. Skill in speaking and writing predisposes many Moon in Gemini individuals to become writers, teachers, and journalists.

As a Moon in Gemini individual you are always mentally assessing what you are feeling. You tend to dissect your feelings and emotions to analyze why you think this way or behave that way. The most famous Moon in Gemini who possessed this quality was Sigmund Freud. Freud also had his Sun in Taurus and Scorpio Rising, giving him extraordinary tenacity and depth of insight.

Having your Moon in Gemini, you are quick-witted and vibrant, and when you come across a new fact or a different way of looking at something, you are likely to undergo a change of mind. One can’t count on your firm convictions, but your openness to life makes you a fascinating companion.

In emotional 关系 Moon in Gemini individuals display a certain free spirit. Here is where you are most intensely restless. You resent being subject to the whims and vagaries of other people’s emotions, and struggle to retain independence. At the same time, you search for the “perfect” love, which of course does not exist. If your would-be lover is elusive or hard to figure out, this especially piques your interest.

The Moon in Gemini personality is high-strung. You have a streak of discontent that sometimes shows up as irritability and snappishness. On the other hand, you are amusing, witty, and have a wonderful sense of humor. When you are in the right mood you are a delight to be with.

With your Moon in Gemini, at times your talent can be stymied by the fact that you lose interest in things so quickly and drop what you so eagerly began. You thrive on travel, change, and meeting different kinds of personalities. In business, your best qualities are versatility and a winning way with people. Having your Moon in Gemini, you perform very well when linked in partnership with someone practical and hardheaded. Having to make a final decision is torture for you; you need a strong, decisive partner.

The sign position of the Moon describes how we habitually respond to other people and to the circumstances of our lives, as well as how we experience our emotions and seek emotional fulfillment. Its house position corresponds to the area of life in which we operate most unconsciously, according to past patterns and instinctive responses.

Moon in the 11th House:

The Moon in the 11th House placement affords you a social avenue through which you can constructively channel your emotional needs and drives. It also suggests that you are likely to be a warm, caring person (conditioned, of course by your Moon sign), at home in a group situation and committed to social justice. Having your Moon in the 11th House, you may find yourself in the role of “group mother” (or “father”), providing the care-giving energy that keeps a group cohesive and committed to each other.  Your own identification with a group is likely to be high, especially if your connection to the group is based on family, ethnic or historical ties.

With your Moon in the 11th House, if you become active in social causes, you are likely to pour emotional energy into your efforts and feel personally committed to the cause. The primary danger of such intense and emotional group involvement is that you may not have the emotional energy left to share with your own family or to provide yourself with emotional “down time.”


Having your Moon in the 11th House, if you are inwardly insecure, you will be so bonded and attached to your identification with your group, that you lose your own sense of personal identity. In essence, you merge your identity into the group identity so that the group consciousness becomes your own subconscious, in a sense. With your Moon in the 11th House, your attachment to the group results in your own attitudes and behavior being conditioned by the group.

As an individual with your Moon in the 11th House, your behavior is very vulnerable to domination by peer pressure, for you cannot see yourself going against the group or leaving it. The group has become your family. You will do anything to remain a part of the group and retain the group’s approval.

Focus of Emotional Development

With your Moon in the 11th House, your emotional development is likely to have been nurtured by group and peer influences during your early years. Having your Moon in the 11th House, your interaction with peer groups and group members, the dynamics of your emotional attachment to the group, and your reaction to the attitudes and actions that the group takes toward you are often the vehicles through which you further develop your emotional capabilities and patterns. At a later stage in life, it is not uncommon for your emotional involvement and attachments to be bound up with your relations and attitudes toward the larger society in which you live. You may also experience emotional development in connection with thinking about or planning for the future.

通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.


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巨蟹座位于天蝎座的女性星盘中,预示着她将经历人生中最深刻的情感和心理挑战。通常被称为 "伤痕治疗师 "的凯龙星象征着我们生命中那些带有幼年或前世--通常是童年的自我或前世--的深刻创伤的领域,而这些创伤是治愈和心灵成长的关键因素。在这里,他的影响会特别强烈,主要集中在权力动态、亲密关系的转变,甚至是生死之谜等方面。

















2.直面你的阴影:卡尔-荣格首次提出了 "阴影 "的概念,也就是我们常常因为不适或社会规范而回避或压抑的那些部分。对于巨蟹座在 天蝎女她的阴影可能包括愤怒、嫉妒或恐惧等情绪;为了成功治愈,她需要将自己的这些方面带到阳光下,认识它们,承认它们,并将它们重新融入自己;这个过程可以通过治疗课程、写日记或其他形式的自我探索来帮助完成。
















巨蟹座位于天蝎座的最大困难之一就是经历所谓的 "灵魂黑夜"--一段长时间的内心动荡或危机,这必然会导致精神上的转变和成长。对于受此影响而出生的女性来说,这段时期可能会因重大损失、背叛或个人危机而来临,迫使她直面内心深处的恐惧和不安全感。







