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Aquarius Sun with Gemini Moon: Personality Traits

With an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon are you a heavyweight thinker or a lightweight mimic?With an Aquarius Sun Gemini Moon, you are light, bright, cheerful and full of outrageous, deadpan quips, you are an amicable ideas person with what Charles Lamb aptly called a ‘free and holiday-rejoicing spirit’. Or at least part of you is. […]

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Aquarius Sun with Taurus Moon: Personality Traits

With an Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon you are independent, reasonable, and dedicated to self-development and honorable values.With an Aquarius Sun Taurus Moon, you are as peaceful and sensual as Ferdinand the bull lazing on his grassy hill, but potentially as idealistic and broad-minded as the Spectator of all time and existence. Underneath, however, your habits

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Aquarius Sun with Aries Moon: Personality Traits

With an Aquarius Sun Aries Moon, are you a great observer of humanity but too much of a snob to really join in?Do you speak your own mind courageously and convincingly, and then wonder why others do not always warm to you and your causes? Talkative and energetic, you are often wrapped up in your

Aquarius Sun with Aries Moon: Personality Traits 阅读更多 "

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Capricorn Sun with Pisces Moon: Personality Traits

With a Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon, are you a gullible dreamer or a stodgy bank clerk?A theoretical mathematician or an amusing mystic? Are you a lyrical poet or a hard-headed realist? Does the un- known fascinate or terrify you? Is your life tidy and totally in order, or do you feel chaos constantly threatening to

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Capricorn Sun with Aquarius Moon: Personality Traits

With a Capricorn Sun Aquarius Moon, for someone who is so friendly and up-front, you are a remarkably private, self- contained, and independent soul.So, are you a people-person or are you really something of a hermit? Do you want to reform the world or to be accepted, even revered, by it? Indeed, you might ask

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Capricorn Sun with Capricorn Moon: Personality Traits

With a Capricorn Sun Capricorn Moon, you get to grips with reality like no one else!Pragmatic and purposeful, with your willpower completely mobilized towards success, you naturally aspire to a position  of authority and power. And as you can keep your eye exactly on the main issue without getting distracted, you usually accomplish exactly what you set

Capricorn Sun with Capricorn Moon: Personality Traits 阅读更多 "

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Capricorn Sun with Sagittarius Moon: Personality Traits

Having a Capricorn Sun Sagittarius Moon, are you a hard-headed businessperson or a visionary social reformer?Do you wear the yoke of responsibility only to toss it aside from time to time in order to indulge in a crazy adventure? There is a bit of ‘old man’ and ‘crazy teenager’ in you, and you can put

Capricorn Sun with Sagittarius Moon: Personality Traits 阅读更多 "

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Capricorn Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Fighter

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Scorpio Personality Traits:With a Capricorn Sun Scorpio Moon, never mind what mother told you, you always know what’s best for you. As a child, you probably asserted your independence by tyrannizing all your playmates. Few can match your sheer determination, boldness, and aggression. Fortunately, you are quick to learn

Capricorn Sun with Scorpio Moon: The Fighter 阅读更多 "

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Capricorn Sun with Libra Moon : The Socialite

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Libra Personality Traits:With a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you are a very sensitive and idealistic Capricorn. You may seem tough, detached, and ambitious, but deep within lies a gentle, sympathetic, and very giving individual.As an individual with a Capricorn Sun Libra Moon, you are constantly searching for peace of

Capricorn Sun with Libra Moon : The Socialite 阅读更多 "

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Capricorn Sun with Virgo Moon: The Workaholic

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Virgo Personality Traits:With a Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon, cold logic is your strength. In your combination, ambitious, determined, and career-minded Capricorn is joined with analytical, frugal, and cautious Virgo. You are an individual with no illusions. A realist, you see things just as they are. You do not waste

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Capricorn Sun with Leo Moon: The Dictator

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Leo Personality Traits:Having a Capricorn Sun Leo Moon, you are a very ambitious individual, with a healthy appreciation of yourself and your abilities. Much more extroverted and congenial than your fellow Capricorns, you can go far in life. People will always respond to your charm, magnetism, and determination; and

Capricorn Sun with Leo Moon: The Dictator 阅读更多 "

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Capricorn Sun with Cancer Moon: The Tough Guy

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Cancer Personality Traits:With a Capricorn Sun Cancer Moon, on the surface, you try hard to maintain a tough, cool, and detached image, but despite that nonchalant air, you are actually a very sensitive and emotionally vulnerable individual. Insecurity is your main stumbling block. In order to contend with those

Capricorn Sun with Cancer Moon: The Tough Guy 阅读更多 "

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Capricorn Sun with Gemini Moon: The Quick Study

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Gemini Personality Traits:With a Capricorn Sun Gemini Moon, you are very dynamic and multifaceted Capricorn. You may seem rather conventional, but underlying that cool and conservative persona is a very restless and independent individual. You always know your own mind (even if it is constantly changing). You have a

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Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Taurus Personality Traits:With a Capricorn Sun Taurus Moon, charm, inner security, and worldly wisdom are your greatest assets, comfort and worldly goods your top priorities. Although just as ambitious and goal-minded as your fellow Capricorns, you’ve also got a very sympathetic side to your nature. People trust you because

摩羯座太阳配金牛座月亮:坚实的公民 阅读更多 "

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Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Aries Personality Traits:One thing about a Capricorn Sun Aries Moon individual: They walk so fast, it can be exhausting to keep up with them. A bundle of energy, you are always on the move, and you attend to matters quickly and efficiently. This gives you an air of impatience

摩羯座太阳配白羊座月亮忙碌的海狸 阅读更多 "

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