
As an individual with Venus in Pisces, you have a talent for falling in love with people who need to be saved (from poverty, sickness, depression, drugs, alcohol, violent partners, and on it goes?). If they?are broken in any way, your love and understanding will fix them. At least that?s?how you feel in the beginning. […]

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With Venus in Aquarius, you are a free spirit. You want to be loved rather than owned, and respected rather?than adored. Your partner must be a friend as well as a lover, and you cannot fall in?love with someone if you don?t like them first. Friendship is the cornerstone of any?romantic involvement?? plus intellectual compatibility,

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Love is hard to find and relationships are difficult to maintain?? and having Venus in Capricorn, that?s just the?way you like it! You don?t respect anything (or anyone) too easily won. Struggle, sacrifice, and paying your dues are what you expect from life, love and marriage.? Love and marriage?? for you, they do not necessarily

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As an individual with Venus in Sagittarius, you are an enthusiastic pursuer of love. You try to catch it but, like a butterfly, it is?elusive. It teases you, plays tricks on you, and just as you feel you have grasped the?meaning of love, it?s gone. And you wouldn?t have it any other way! For the

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Scorpio is the sign of extremes and with Venus in Scorpio you can be a Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when it?comes to relationships. Once you fall in love, no-one could be more passionate?and devoted than you. You will do anything for your loved one?? climb the highest?mountain, swim the deepest sea, endure the most

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As an individual with Venus in Libra, you love to be in love. Love is your lifeline?? you need to be in love, just like you?need to breathe, eat and sleep. You spend a lot of time thinking and talking about?love, and enjoy airing your theories on the nature of love?? how it can be

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As an individual with Venus in Virgo, you are so busy analyzing your partner, weighing up the pros and cons of the relationship, and thinking of new ways to improve it, that you can forget to relax and enjoy the relationship. You cannot rest until every bug is ironed out and every imperfection corrected, for

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Venus in Leo Love Compatibility Guide

As an individual with Venus in Leo, you need to be worshipped, pampered and adored?? nothing less. As long as your?partner understands that you are the star in the relationship, everything should run?smoothly.Having Venus in Leo, you fall in and out of love with theatrical flair. Your love life is like a melodrama?? full of

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Venus in Cancer Love Compatibility Guide

As an individual with Venus in Cancer, you enjoy reminiscing about the good old days with your loved one: when you first?met, what you were both wearing, your first date, your first kiss? and on it goes.? You love the past because it is familiar, and it improves with the soft glow of time (and

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Venus in Gemini Love Compatibility Guide

As an individual with Venus in Gemini, you approach conversation and relationships in much the same way. You don?t?like to concentrate on one person for too long, in case there?s someone more interesting waiting around the next corner. In the pool of love, those with Venus in Aries?jump in the deep end head first, but

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Venus in Taurus Love Compatibility Guide

With Venus in Taurus, once you fall in love, that?s it! You make up your mind that he/she is the one and?only person for you, and it will take the shifting of the Earth?s axis to convince you?otherwise. Venus in Taurus is synonymous with fidelity in love?? once you really love someone it?s for keeps.

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With Venus in Aries, you fall in love suddenly, impetuously and inexplicably. There is no rhyme or reason to how, when, why or with whom you fall in love with, you just do it. As an individual with Venus in Aries, you have a? special talent for falling in love with people you have been

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Venus in Pisces in the 12th House

Venus in Pisces in the Twelfth HouseThe placement of Venus in Pisces indicates a need for universality in your relationships and your value system. However, this ideal of universality is a difficult concept to actualize and, in practice, it is often manifested as ambiguity or confusion. Thus, you often feel a need for flexibility and the removal

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Venus in Aquarius in the 12th House

Venus in Aquarius in the Twelfth HouseThe placement of Venus in Aquarius indicates that you have a need for uniqueness and originality in your relationships and your value system. These are abstract concepts and pursuing these needs often leaves little room or inclination for emotion or the mundanely personal. Much of the behavior and many of the personality

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Venus in Capricorn in the 12th House

Venus in Capricorn in the Twelfth HouseThe placement of Venus in Capricorn indicates that you have a need for practicality in your relationships and your value system. This often manifests as an inherent need to measure your relationship(s) against a set of explicit or implicit goals. With Venus in Capricorn, your values tend to be pragmatic and utilitarian,

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