
Cancer & Capricorn North Nodes

Your North Node Life Path:If you were born with a Cancer north node or a Capricorn north node, your life path involves balancing personal and professional endeavors, home and work, masculine and feminine energy. Cancer rules the feminine realm—home, family, women, maternal energy, creativity. Capricorn rules the masculine realm—career, public life, men, paternal energy and

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Gemini & Sagittarius North Nodes

Your North Node Life Path:Gemini and Sagittarius are the signs of communication and learning. If you born with a Gemini north node or a Sagittarius north node, your life purpose could include teaching, learning, writing and spreading a message. These lunar nodes are constantly gathering and disseminating knowledge. They are the most interactive of all

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Taurus & Scorpio North Nodes

Your North Node Life Path:Taurus and Scorpio are the signs that rule money, power and sensuality. If you born with a Taurus north node or a Scorpio north node, your destiny involves learning to balance the spiritual and material worlds. These nodes exude sexual prowess, earthy sensuality and power. Channeling these dynamic forces in healthy,

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