Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Capricorn Sun and Scorpio Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces in you an extremely strong inner drive and a keen sense of your own importance as an individual. A certain rigid inner pride keeps your self-respect always at a high level. Early on, temperament may be a problem, but as you mature cooperation is learned and a judicial and rather stern nature rules the personality. A very reserved individual, you often express yourself in quiet ways, always remaining perfectly capable of communicating disapproval without saying even a word. Most people think of you as a very reasonable person and in many ways you are. It is very difficult, however, to ever persuade you that you are wrong because of a highly inflexible core within. Often you may use the tactic of appearing not to understand the other person’s point of view, even when it is quite clear to you. You are very honorable, loyal, and devoted, with a keen sense of the sobriety of life, and of your duty as a part of it. Right or wrong, you hold to your first impressions of people, especially if those first impressions were not good. You are very understanding of people and their problems, and while you usually can remain very much detached, you are a good listener and provide sound advice. Emotions never seem to interfere with your reasoning power.


Moral integrity and strength of character, perceptive and penetrating mind, quiet but fervent support of the underdog and of those you love, ability to focus on a goal and remain undeterred by obstacles, compassion and courage to undergo suffering for the sake of regeneration.


Tendency to be too serious, rigid and austere, to be accusatory and blind to your own prejudices, to get despondent and stuck in narrow and pessimistic attitudes.



Were you born on a Scorpio Full Moon? Or was it a Scorpio Waning Gibbous? And what does it all mean?

了解你的月亮星座和月相对你的影响、 在此获取免费的个性化月亮解读视频。


探索宇宙自我的秘密,明确自己独特的人生道路。一个 深入的占星学和命理学星盘分析 提供了深刻的见解,将帮助你充满信心和目标地驾驭人生的曲折。
