
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a high-powered physical and mental person. Your energies, at times, seem boundless. This is a strange pairing of strict discipline with bold enthusiasm and idealism. The openness and outgoing attitude that Moon in Sagittarius brings is a fine complement to the often morose and easily depressed nature of Capricorn, producing a somewhat worldly-wise personality that handles self and others with the greatest of ease. You love the camaraderie of getting together with the gang and becoming involved in a multiplicity of interests and activities. But success and attainment in life may depend on the development of concentration and encouragement of staying power in maintaining your drive and purpose. You are a traveler at heart, and your restless nature has a need to be on the go all the time, either physically or mentally. With the enthusiasm you naturally possess, reckless expenditure of energy can be a problem. You do have a lot of ambition, and you can be both political and direct in going after your objectives, diplomatic or shrewd, as well as frank and sincere. Using either approach, you are instinctively honest and truthful. You are a very expressive person with high ideals and a keen sense of values. A good mentality and quick wit give you a way with words. The development of this ability can be a major key to success. You must be aware that your words do have an impact on others, especially the sensitive types who you may offend with your very direct speech. Although you are a broad and inclusive person with strong humanitarian instincts, in many ways you are a little picky when it comes to friends and close 关系. You insist that those you associate with be intellectually compatible, and when you find yourself in the company of people you consider intellectually inferior, you are not at all comfortable. Companionship is very important to you, but intellect is usually placed ahead of sentiment. This is a very powerful and achievement-oriented combination. It is one in which enthusiasm blended with serious purpose and a realistic understanding of values, can assure a great deal of success.


The range of your intellectual abilities, sense of responsibility and integrity, spontaneous understanding of the larger implications of different attitudes and situations, ambition and love of exploration, ironic sense of humor.


Verbosity and occasional pomposity, tendency to exhibit intellectual pretension when you are actually feeling insecure, to waste energy in a nervous seeking of new pastures, to get fixated on narrow views that become rigidly moralistic.




了解你的月亮星座和月相对你的影响、 在此获取免费的个性化月亮解读视频。


探索宇宙自我的秘密,明确自己独特的人生道路。一个 深入的占星学和命理学星盘分析 提供了深刻的见解,将帮助你充满信心和目标地驾驭人生的曲折。
