Sagittarius Sun with Taurus Moon and Aries Rising

Sun in Sagittarius with Moon in Taurus and Aries Rising Personality Traits:

Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon Aries Rising
Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon Aries Rising

The Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon combination combines the spiritual and visionary qualities of Sagittarius with the worldly wisdom and practicality of Taurus. You are an individual of great insight and you think in broad, abstract terms. Drawn to the creative and the artistic, you are quite capable of realizing some of your inspired concepts.

But too much often those dreams remain dreams, because (as with all natives of Moon in Taurus) you’ve got to have security before you embark on any crusades. This means a substantial bank account and a comfortable home.

Having a Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon, the practical side of your nature keeps you from pursuing a shaky or unconventional career, even if it might prove more rewarding in the long run. Security is important to everyone, but don’t let it become your sole pursuit in life. No matter how materially comfortable you become, you may always feel an inner discontent if you don’t act occasionally on your impulses.

With a Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon, your sympathy for others is boundless—which may be another reason why you have trouble following through on your dreams. Sentimentality often obscures your judgment. Let’s face it: You’re really a nice person and quite softhearted. It’s hard for you to say no to people, and there’s nothing you hate more than the thought of refusing someone.

For the individual with a Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon, deep within, you might feel some guilt about stepping forward and expressing your viewpoints. Most of your fears are imaginary (you do have quite an intense imagination); as you are by nature such a warmhearted and giving person, you will always be loved and respected no matter  which path you choose to follow in life.

You have a very sensual and earthy nature. Pleasure is one of your favorite pursuits. But comfort isn’t everything; you can too easily lapse into complacency, or adopt a smug outlook. For that reason, all Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon individuals must remain active and socially involved, cultivating a wide range of activities.

With a Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon, aside from purely creative or artistic pursuits, you have a flair for business. A good gambler, you know just when to make a speculation or take a financial risk. People with this combination can excel as entrepreneurs, for personality and charm work to your advantage and people sense their inherent dignity, trustworthiness, and honesty. Although a very serious individual, you are always optimistic and positive in your approach to life and setbacks rarely faze you.

Having a Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon, you are very romantic, you will search for a partner who shares your good nature and trust. Open and uninhibited in expressing your love, you understand the value of sharing, and you expect an equal amount of love in return.

Keywords For A Sagittarius Sun Taurus Moon:

Friendly and romantic; steady aspirations; generous nature; measured optimism; extravagant taste; entrenched beliefs; devotion to progress; self-confidence; a gentle authoritarian; social conscience; love of beauty; musical sensitivity; a pragmatic philosopher.


白羊座 是一个非常强势的上升星座。如果你的上升星座是白羊座,那么你就是一个喜欢冒险、勇于开拓的人。你喜欢扮演领导者的角色,即使是在很小的范围内。例如,在你的朋友圈里,你是那个试图决定你们在哪里见面、去哪家餐厅或看哪部电影的人。上升白羊座的孩子在兄弟姐妹中是最霸道和以自我为中心的。





上升白羊座的你可能是一个开创者,但如果你被困在犁沟中间,你会放下犁转向新的领域。白羊座是开始的星座。你最擅长的是工作的开端。你有热情、活力和能量。一旦你掌握了一个想法,你就会坚持到底,直到所有的 "怎么做 "都到位。




探索宇宙自我的秘密,明确自己独特的人生道路。一个 深入的占星学和命理学星盘分析 提供了深刻的见解,将帮助你充满信心和目标地驾驭人生的曲折。
