Pisces Sun with Libra Moon and Aquarius Rising

Sun in Pisces with Moon in Libra and Aquarius Rising Personality Traits:

Pisces Sun Libra Moon Aquarius Rising
Pisces Sun Libra Moon Aquarius Rising

Having a Pisces Sun Libra Moon, you have a conciliatory, tender, unworldly sort of personality, loving beauty and beautiful ideas as much as you abhor injustice and ugliness. You exude a wistful, intangible glamour, as if you were king or queen of the forest fairies incarnate, come to entice clumsy mortals to a place exquisitely serene and joyful. You are therefore essentially of an artistic temperament, very intuitive, ethereal, emotionally fragile, but opportunistic and resilient as well.

Terrifically sympathetic and agreeable, you are also receptive and under- standing, romantic and sensuous, easy-going and somewhat self-sacrificing due to your very strong need for 关系. You love people, especially witty and fascinating people who stimulate you, and you really come alive at parties or in refined artistic or literary gatherings. Flirtatious and loquacious, you can be a warm, considerate, generous companion, and whether it is romantic or platonic, you will bring a touch of elegance and dignity to all your dealings with others.

With a Pisces Sun Libra Moon, you are a natural diplomat, you know how to get the best out of people. Sometimes you are not sure whether you are an intellectual or an artist, but you are one of those people who should always trust their inner hunches rather than dissect and analyze them to the point of confusion. Powerful feelings and intuitions can wash over you, and your need to express them is strong, be it through poetry, music, dance, theatre or social service.

Your mind is clear and balanced, you can see objectives and soar with ideas, and your instinct is to communicate your inner world effectively and eloquently. You need the input and encouragement of other people, and can work well with them. If, however, you try to intellectualize too much, you may vacillate and lose your confidence, thus halting the creative flow which is so essential for your well- being. At your heart of hearts you are deeply emotional, inspired by a profound reverential love for truth and an intuitive understanding of what is important in life.

You will want to combine intellect and feeling in whatever you do. Your exceptional adaptability and sensitivity to group needs means you can work well as a group facilitator of some kind. But this personal talent is even stronger when it is balanced by a firm sense of self and healthy boundaries, which is something you may have to work on.

You have so much flowing flexibility and such a deep desire for social harmony that you can easily lose touch with your own needs and instinctive responses. You wince painfully if anyone looks at you cross-eyed; conflict is anathema to your emotional nature and throws you off-beam, as if it were a very tangible karate chop. When you can learn to deal effectively with self-doubt, your creativity will begin to flow.

With a Pisces Sun Libra Moon, the theatre is a natural environment for you, where you can express your many-sided, sensitive personality with flair and feeling. Likewise the caring professions may attract you, as people inspire you and you enjoy receiving insights from others. You are forever learning, open to the magic of life, and your innocence, elegance and vulnerability help you to create a world of beauty and delight.

Keywords For A Pisces Sun Libra Moon:

Sensitive and whimsical; intuitive; great insights; diplomatic; romantic; charming; gregarious; dependent; cagey; artistic; gentle and compliant; love of beauty and harmony; movement; easy-going; agreeable; trusting; gullible; cooperative.












探索宇宙自我的秘密,明确自己独特的人生道路。一个 深入的占星学和命理学星盘分析 提供了深刻的见解,将帮助你充满信心和目标地驾驭人生的曲折。
