
Sun in Leo with Moon in Libra and Aries Rising Personality Traits:

Leo Sun Libra Moon Aries Rising
Leo Sun Libra Moon Aries Rising

With a Leo Sun Libra Moon, you are friendly and charming, and people are drawn to your sunny personality and easygoing disposition. You thrive when you are holding center stage or in apposition which requires diplomacy. Your grace and calm manner help to still conflict and dissension.

As an individual with a Leo Sun Libra Moon, just like most Leos, you have a romantic and idealistic view of life. Those rose-colored glasses you wear often prevent you from seeing the world as it really is. When cold reality intervenes you become confused and anxious. Inherently kind, trustworthy, and benevolent, you expect that everyone else is, too, and this impairs your judgment. No doubt you have already discovered that many people do not live up to your expectations.

Fortunately, with a Leo Sun Libra Moon, your good nature, charm, and naive innocence usually bring out the best in others and work to your advantage as well.

Leos have strong leadership drives, but it’s not easy for the Leo Sun Libra Moon individual to be a boss. You hate to infringe on anyone else’s territory and you fear hurting anyone’s feelings. In addition, you always want to be liked by everyone, so it’s hard for you to give orders.

For the Leo Sun Libra Moon individual, decision making is also difficult, because you never make a move until you’ve heard everyone’s advice. When opinions clash, as they always do, you are baffled. Most often you simply follow your Leo hunch.

As an individual with a Leo Sun Libra Moon, vanity is a very strong force in your combination, and you often judge yourself by the way others see you, rather than by the way you see yourself. If subject to too much criticism at some point in your life, you can develop a very inhibited and self-conscious attitude.

Having a Leo Sun Libra Moon, ,aintain a strong and healthy self-image by remembering that your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s, and stop paying so much attention to what others may be thinking!

If you’re an individual with a Leo Sun Libra Moon, your natural charm usually assures you many friends. But you may drain them with your constant need for flattery and approval. When you feel unappreciated, you run the risk of lapsing into states of indecision, anxiety, and worst of all, lethargy. Both signs of the Leo Sun Libra Moon combination are comfort- and leisure-loving, so you naturally devote much time to relaxation and sensual pleasures. But laziness can become a way of life, especially when you feel you’re not getting all the attention and recognition you deserve.

With a Leo Sun Libra Moon, you excel in professions that offer glamour and prestige—film, the arts, advertising, and design are perfect. In addition, you are well suited to all fields involving human relations, and settling conflicts is your specialty.

You are loyal and consistent in love, but you still love to flirt with others. This is only to bolster your pride and vanity, for although you may consider yourself a Don Juan or femme fatale, your affection usually belongs to one special person.

Keywords For A Leo Sun Libra Moon:

Gracious; charming and expressive; out-going; intellectual curiosity; authoritative but cooperative; diplomatic nobility; artistic; powerful imagination; love  of luxury; romantic idealism; regal friendliness; polished individualism; imperious  but tolerant; animated communicator; refined sociability.


白羊座 是一个非常强势的上升星座。如果你的上升星座是白羊座,那么你就是一个喜欢冒险、勇于开拓的人。你喜欢扮演领导者的角色,即使是在很小的范围内。例如,在你的朋友圈里,你是那个试图决定你们在哪里见面、去哪家餐厅或看哪部电影的人。上升白羊座的孩子在兄弟姐妹中是最霸道和以自我为中心的。





上升白羊座的你可能是一个开创者,但如果你被困在犁沟中间,你会放下犁转向新的领域。白羊座是开始的星座。你最擅长的是工作的开端。你有热情、活力和能量。一旦你掌握了一个想法,你就会坚持到底,直到所有的 "怎么做 "都到位。




探索宇宙自我的秘密,明确自己独特的人生道路。一个 深入的占星学和命理学星盘分析 提供了深刻的见解,将帮助你充满信心和目标地驾驭人生的曲折。
