Leo Sun with Cancer Moon and Aries Rising

Sun in Leo with Moon in Cancer and Aries Rising Personality Traits:

Leo Sun Cancer Moon Aries Rising
Leo Sun Cancer Moon Aries Rising

With a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, self-acceptance is your greatest gift. Unlike most Leos, you do not feel the compulsion to prove your greatness to the world. You are confident and self-assured, and others think highly of you because you think highly of yourself. All this is enhanced by your acute sensitivity and compassion for others.

Having a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, you are creative, highly emotional, open-minded, and above all imaginative, with the proper motivation you could achieve anything—if you had any ambition. That, unfortunately, is the one thing you lack.

As an individual with a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, because of your unquestioning self-acceptance and lack of inner conflict, you run the risk of settling for far less than you are capable of accomplishing. Since your inner nature is free of many of the hang-ups and much of inner turmoil that plague so many others, you risk adopting an attitude of smug complacency. You’re too easily contented, and that which is pleasing interests you more than that which is rewarding and fulfilling. Thus your potential often lies dormant, and your special talents untapped.

With a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, you are also a very proud individual—both a strength and a weakness. Self-respect reinforces your inner strength to overcome obstacles, but it also leads to arrogance and the inability to humble yourself to learn a craft or develop your talents so they may be successfully explored and expressed. Re-examine your goals in life. Are all your talents really being utilized? Are you involved in an activity or job that will lead to a more secure future?

Having a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, charm, intuition, and subtlety combine to give you excellent business acumen, but your imagination and originality are more suited to creative endeavors—particularly in the field of drama and the visual media. Many Leo Sun Cancer Moon individuals are attracted to religion. And some will find themselves involved in charitable work, spending much time helping the disabled or poor. Leo-Cancers excel as counselors, psychologists, teachers, and in running charitable enterprises.

As an individual with a Leo Sun Cancer Moon, a secure and tranquil domestic life is very important to your overall happiness. As with all natives of Moon in Cancer, you need the comfort and stability of a home base of operations. Family-oriented, you take great pride in your spouse and children.

Highly romantic and idealistic, you know how to give-and-take in love. Your natural curiosity will no doubt lead you through many romantic affairs before you finally choose a partner and settle down. Once you do, however, you are loyal and devoted. And your partner knows that you can be counted on.

Keywords For A Leo Sun Cancer Moon:

Emotional; vulnerable; ardent; self-dramatizing; funny; poetic; intuitive; individualistic; big-hearted; love of family life; sociable; sensitive; under-  standing; maternal/paternal; proud; colorful and receptive personality.


白羊座 是一个非常强势的上升星座。如果你的上升星座是白羊座,那么你就是一个喜欢冒险、勇于开拓的人。你喜欢扮演领导者的角色,即使是在很小的范围内。例如,在你的朋友圈里,你是那个试图决定你们在哪里见面、去哪家餐厅或看哪部电影的人。上升白羊座的孩子在兄弟姐妹中是最霸道和以自我为中心的。





上升白羊座的你可能是一个开创者,但如果你被困在犁沟中间,你会放下犁转向新的领域。白羊座是开始的星座。你最擅长的是工作的开端。你有热情、活力和能量。一旦你掌握了一个想法,你就会坚持到底,直到所有的 "怎么做 "都到位。




探索宇宙自我的秘密,明确自己独特的人生道路。一个 深入的占星学和命理学星盘分析 提供了深刻的见解,将帮助你充满信心和目标地驾驭人生的曲折。
