Capricorn Sun with Virgo Moon and Aquarius Rising

Sun in Capricorn with Moon in Virgo and Aquarius Rising Personality Traits:

Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon Aquarius Rising
Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon Aquarius Rising

With a Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon, cold logic is your strength. In your combination, ambitious, determined, and career-minded Capricorn is joined with analytical, frugal, and cautious Virgo. You are an individual with no illusions. A realist, you see things just as they are. You do not waste time in idle fantasies. Pragmatic and efficient, instead of dreaming, you plan.

Having a Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon, although you appear tough, detached, and even a bit cold, deep within you probably feel vague fears or uncertainty. To compensate for those fears, you strive to acquire as much status and power as possible. Like all Capricorns, you are very career-oriented, and you derive your greatest satisfaction from the respect and prestige your work provides.

For the individual with a Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon, responsibility is your middle name—and you are never really happy unless you have plenty of it. You possess tremendous resolve, inner strength, and the willpower to overcome any obstacle. You’ve also got quite a mind and fantastic powers of concentration. Shrewd and calculating, you know how to win people over; but for many Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon individuals winning becomes everything. Involve yourself in all the joys of life including the romantic and the spiritual. Don’t let your job and status become an obsession.

With a Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon, no matter how detached and cool you try to appear, you are really quite a sensitive individual. Don’t try to deny or cover up that sensitivity by playing a role that is at odds with your true nature. The fear of real or imagined weakness (and you hate the thought of having any weaknesses) opens the way to neurosis or self-destructive habits.

Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon individuals are never satisfied. No matter how far you go in life, something in you always says, “I haven’t gone far enough.” Learn to have a little more compassion for yourself. Everyone has limitations and you are no exception! Stop brooding over those little imperfections you are constantly finding in yourself. All Moon in Virgo natives are critical, but your criticisms are too often directed inward. The challenge for you is simply to accept yourself.

The Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon combination is excellently suited for executive and leadership roles. That logical and astute mind of yours is ideal for intellectual endeavors. Once you put your mind to something, you won’t be satisfied until you have mastered it totally.

Having a Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon, you are not very romantic, but a stable give-and-take 关系 is very important to your emotional well-being. Learn to love yourself before attempting to love another. You can be a loyal and giving partner, but don’t let work become a substitute for sex—and don’t talk about your work when someone is making love to you! Let passion carry you away now and then.

Keywords For A Capricorn Sun Virgo Moon:

Perfectionism; quality service; craftsmanship; earthy; good organizer; caring and careful; self-controlled; self-critical; worrier; modest; professional critic; precise; aesthetic; studious.












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