Pisces Man

Pisces is the most watery sign of the zodiac and one of the four mutable signs – meaning they long for movement and are restless. The Pisces man has a strong sense of perception and imagination. He values his friends and forms a strong bond with a small group of good friends who realize they can rely on him in their times of need. He is the person to call on whatever your problem, big or small. He is typically very caring, gentle, dreamy and calm. He has a romantic imagination and is very searching in regard to his desires for a love relationship. If you are attracted to him, you will discover a real soul mate that will put his ego to one side in the partnership.

This sign has a strong intellect, is usually righteous and has the drive to pursue his dreams. It is very important that he channelizes his loves and desires and utilizes his full potential towards success and triumph. He is also very creative and many Pisces men make good artists. He is also versatile and sometimes lacks the ability to concentrate overmuch on one project. This drives him to follow more than one occupation at times. A Piscean man can be tangled in his dreams and ambitions if he does not channel his energy in the right path to attain success; a bit like a fish swimming against the current.

However good and gregarious a friend this man can be, he still needs his moments of solitude. Although he will keep you good company for most of the time, there are times when he wants to be left alone and rejuvenate for further good times to spend with friends. It is very important that this is addressed to bring back the calm and steadiness within him. The passion and dreaminess in this sign can definitely work against him at times. Whilst in a loving 关系, close moments are very precious to him. However, let him have his own space and his heart for you will only grow fonder with love. He is also very sensitive and his feelings may get hurt easily. These emotional highs and lows come at a cost. His temper can flare easily, however, can also get subdued as easily and quickly as it started, if dealt with appropriately.

Piscean men, at their core, are usually good hearted and good natured. They know how to be a true friend and have strong bonds with friends whom they know they can rely on in thick or thin. You can count on him to be there if you need him for whatever reason at all. The Pisces man has a calm and gentle demeanor much like the fish his sign has come to symbolize. They are caring and dreamy, often with his head in the clouds. He is a sensitive lover, but is also very sensitive himself when it comes to his affections and emotions. The right way to treat a Piscean man is to handle his heart with kid gloves – be as gentle with him as possible. If you are compatible with him, he will prove to be a real soul mate: loyal and loving without the large ego to deal with.

Pisces man has rare charisma. The secret of his extraordinary appeal to women is a deep and sensitive appreciation for their inner qualities. He always sees a woman at her best. Pisces male is a real charmer, the eternal romantic. All the water signs have the quality of emotional imagination. Cancer uses it to create a protective environment; Scorpio seeks to delve into the secrets of the human psyche. Pisces tries to live in a world of dreams and romance. He lives for the whim of the moment, and while the moment lasts he can make it seem enchanted, everything a woman ever dreamed of, champagne and caviar, moonlight and poetry and passion. Unfortunately, when the comes up the words don’t quite rhyme and the champagne is flat. In the cold light of day you may reflect on what a fool you were to have thought it could be otherwise.

Basically, he would like to find happiness with one woman, but the vagaries of his character and the constant appeal to him of change make that unlikely. He is unable to steer a steady course between his conflicting desires. He prefers clandestine meetings and secret affairs with high risk quotients. Married women are his natural prey.

Pisces man falls in love easily, but his is the sign of self-undoing, and he has an instinct for choosing the wrong woman. His love life often tends to be chaotic and turbulent, and over his lifetime he may lose his heart many times to the wrong partner. Indeed, it’s been said that in every woman’s past there is a Pisces man.


As a husband, he probably won’t be a good provider. His career problem is that he looks for the easy way, not realizing there is no easy way. But he won’t neglect you and is generously willing to share what he has. This man is a giver in an emotional sense. He will do almost anything for someone he cares for. Once he commits himself to a woman, he will give unselfishly of his time, energy, sympathy, and concern. If you’re looking for an attentive, romantic lover, a kind and compassionate man to fulfill your spiritual needs as well as your physical ones, Pisces male is for you. He may be a dreamer, but he can make the right woman’s dreams come true.