Birthday Astrology

Your Solar Return Chart is a map for your upcoming year ahead.

Did you know that every year around the time of your birthday, a unique astrology chart can be created to give you a picture of what you’re most likely to experience in the upcoming year of your life? This chart manifests every year at the time that the Sun reaches the exact degree and minute that it was during your birth. It could happen before, on the day, or a day after your birthday. This is the time to make your birthday wishes.

Known as your Solar Return, it’s a powerful moment when you’re infused with all the potential of your Sun sign. Have you ever noticed you always feel full of life around your birthday? The reason for this is that the Sun is connecting directly with your natal Sun. This can be a great time to start a new chapter in your life. The outline of your chapter can be found in a Solar Return chart.

Which House is the Sun in?

Your Solar Return chart will show you which specific house placement the Sun is transiting through, highlighting a specific area in your life. For example, the Sun in the 1st house would propel you towards developing your identity in some way. If in the 7th house, relationships and partnerships are highlighted, a new 关系 could be on the horizon. When the Sun is in the 10th house, the key focus is on your career and professional life. Wherever your Sun is in your Solar Return chart for that specific year will be the area you will be shining in. Aspects in your chart will reveal the specifics and areas to consider. In a Solar Return chart, the Sun is the primary consideration.

Remember to Compare Your Charts

Once you have your Solar Return chart, compare it with your 命盘. What’s your rising sign in your Solar Return chart? Your Natal ascendant will have the subtle influences of your Solar ascendant this year. Are any natal planets conjunct a Solar Return angle? All of these elements will help you understand your year ahead in much more detail.

The Solar Return chart is a must-have tool for anyone who is already studying their natal chart. Think back to important life changes you have gone through, compare your Solar Return charts with these times and you will be amazed at how accurate they can be.