Venus in Virgo Love Compatibility Guide

Venus in Virgo Love Compatibility
Venus in Virgo Love Compatibility

As an individual with Venus in Virgo, you are so busy analyzing your partner, weighing up the pros and cons of the 关系, and thinking of new ways to improve it, that you can forget to relax and enjoy the relationship. You cannot rest until every bug is ironed out and every imperfection corrected, for the ?perfect relationship? is your Holy Grail, and you will? go to the ends of the earth to try to find it. This is where Venus in Virgos split into?two distinct camps?? which group do you belong to?

  • Group One: you try to improve your partner, settle for what is left, and end up?being incredibly loyal and dependable in relationships.

  • Group Two: you leave your less than perfect mate and move on?? and on and?on?? looking for perfection on a stick elsewhere.

With Venus in Virgo, once you have chosen Mr. or Ms. Perfect, you expect them to live up to their title,? and any flaw or minor misdemeanor will be brought to their immediate attention??? for your mission is to make them perfect. And you set very high standards.? Prospective partners of a Venus in Virgo beware?? being rude, crude and sloppy are definitely not ways?to their heart.

Having Venus in Virgo, you appreciate kindness, punctuality and courtesy at all times.?You can initially be shy and undemonstrative in love (especially if your Sun is in?Virgo too) but, given time and encouragement, you are warm and giving, and will?tenderly care for your partner through good times and bad. You need your love to?be constantly changing, growing and improving. If you feel your partner is not?putting the necessary time and effort into the relationship, you will leave without?regret and look for that commitment elsewhere.

Additional Information on Men with Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo men are usually attracted to earthy, practical women with one or more planets in?Virgo (or Capricorn and Taurus, which are the other earth signs). As a Venus in Virgo man, you appreciate a woman who is intelligent and discriminating, with a disciplined approach to life.? Don?t let her efficiency overwhelm you, and don?t take the easy way out and let her?take on all the responsibilities (and worries) of the relationship.

Venus in Virgo Love Compatibility Guide

You and Venus in Aries

Venus in Virgo?s modesty and refined reserve are enormously attractive (and foreign!) to a Venus in Aries.? You share a love of exercising and the great outdoors, but their addiction to adventure and risk scares you, while your perfectionism and attention to detail can drive?them away.

You and Venus in Taurus

The Venus in Virgo and Venus in Taurus combination makes for a durable union, but you are both shy about making the first move? so the relationship takes a while to get going. You both enjoy practical, hands-on?activities like cooking, gardening and renovating. There could be a few disagreements in the kitchen though?? you are very health conscious whereas they love?rich, sweet foods.

You and Venus in Gemini

A Venus in Virgo and Venus in Gemini are both into relating on a mental level and enjoy good conversation, ideas,?debate, reading and so on. But you approach love very differently. You?re into perfection whereas they?re slap-dash. You want to work on the relationship until its ?perfect? but at the first sign of trouble (and hard work) they head for the door.

You and Venus in Cancer

Venus in Virgo and Venus in Cancer makes for a mutually supportive and beneficial partnership. You help them to?analyze their emotions and they help you to get more in touch with yours. A word?of warning?? be very careful of their sensitive feelings. They do not respond well to?any form of criticism (how-ever well intended), and the slightest harsh word can? see them clam up for days.

You and Venus in Leo

A Venus in Virgo and Venus in Leo are both looking for a stable relationship and (as long as you let them think?they are the boss) things should run smoothly. Your contrasting temperaments work well together at home, but their exuberance and attention-seeking antics can?embarrass you in public. You have different attitudes to money?? you are frugal?whereas they are extravagant.

You and Venus in Virgo

In a double Venus in Virgo combination, you are both cautious about falling in love and are hesitant to commit unless you?believe there is a reasonable chance of it working out. When you finally do get together (after much thought and deliberation) you both put a lot of time and effort?into improving the relationship. Just remember that all work and no play makes for?a boring couple!

You and Venus in Libra

A Venus in Virgo and Venus in Libra are both looking for the ?perfect? relationship and have high expectations of?their partner. You can be very critical of each other?s perceived faults?? you complain that they are flighty and self-indulgent, and they think you are too sensible?and stingy. This works best when your Sun is in Libra and/or their Sun is in Virgo.

You and Venus in Scorpio

Venus in Virgo and Venus in Scorpio makes for a stable and mutually supportive union (especially if your Sun is in?Scorpio and/or their Sun is in Virgo). You both take the relationship very seriously,?and value privacy and discretion. But they can find you too discriminating and?prudish, while you find their obsession with the dark and seamy side of life unsavory.

You and Venus in Sagittarius

In the Venus in Virgo and Venus in Sagittarius combination, you share a mental rapport and restlessness that see the two of you always busy?and learning, with a variety of projects on the go at the one time. But you can be?better suited as friends than lovers, because you want more stability and?commitment than your wayward partner feels inclined to give.

You and Venus in Capricorn

In Venus in Virgo and Venus in Capricorn combination, you feel very comfortable with each other and share a need for material security. You are both looking for a permanent relationship and have much in common, but?you can reinforce each other?s anxieties and end up as workaholics, with no time?for fun and play. Make it a priority to explore joint interests like exercising, gardening and reading.

You and Venus in Aquarius

When Venus in Virgo? and Venus in Aquarius get together, there?s not much common ground to hold you two together, so this pairing is usually a case of ?here today, gone tomorrow?. They are too bohemian for your more?traditional tastes, and you are too sensible and conscientious for them. If your Sun?is in Libra and/or their Sun is in Capricorn then there is a better chance of long-term survival.

You and Venus in Pisces

In the Venus in Virgo and Venus in Pisces combination, you are all logic and they are all feeling, so this pairing can result in mutual fascination?? and misunderstanding. They marvel at your discipline and ability to get?things done, while you are drawn to their creative and uninhibited mind. But after a?while you resent being a workhorse as you spend most of your precious time running around organizing them.

巨蟹座位于天蝎座的女性星盘中,预示着她将经历人生中最深刻的情感和心理挑战。通常被称为 "伤痕治疗师 "的凯龙星象征着我们生命中那些带有幼年或前世--通常是童年的自我或前世--的深刻创伤的领域,而这些创伤是治愈和心灵成长的关键因素。在这里,他的影响会特别强烈,主要集中在权力动态、亲密关系的转变,甚至是生死之谜等方面。

















2.直面你的阴影:卡尔-荣格首次提出了 "阴影 "的概念,即我们经常因为不适或社会规范而回避或压抑的那些部分。对于凯龙座在天蝎座的女性来说,她的阴影可能包括愤怒、嫉妒或恐惧等情绪;为了成功治愈,她需要将自己的这些方面带到阳光下,认识它们,承认它们,并将它们重新融入自己;这个过程可以通过治疗课程、写日记或其他形式的自我探索来帮助完成。
















巨蟹座位于天蝎座的最大困难之一就是经历所谓的 "灵魂黑夜"--一段长时间的内心动荡或危机,这必然会导致精神上的转变和成长。对于受此影响而出生的女性来说,这段时期可能会因重大损失、背叛或个人危机而来临,迫使她直面内心深处的恐惧和不安全感。









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