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Are You Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening, also known as spiritual ascension, is a natural evolutionary process that involves the process of shedding the old self and experiencing an inner rebirth. Many people speak about spiritual awakening in terms of being “upgraded,” “rebooted” or being elevated in vibrational frequency. All of these terms are a way of referring to the […]

Are You Experiencing a Spiritual Awakening 阅读更多 "

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Identifying Trauma Signatures in Astrology

What is a trauma signature in Astrology?A trauma signature in astrology equates to your “vices”, or destructive thought patterns, and how they manifest to abusive levels in your behavior and personality.How do you read the trauma signatures in your natal chart?A trauma signature is indicated by particular planetary and zodiac house placements in your chart

Identifying Trauma Signatures in Astrology 阅读更多 "

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Benefits of an Energy Healing

The effects of healing energy blockages can be experienced as some of the below examples:Greater clarity, purpose and meaning to your lifeFeeling more vitality and better health in generalFeeling that things are working out despite you are working less or stressing yourself lessYour emotional life is balanced which is reflected into your relationships People around

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Why Balance Your Chakras

Why Balance Your Chakras?Balancing your seven chakras is important because when one of your chakras is unbalanced, your emotions and your body are directly affected. Apart from our own thoughts, when we are with someone who is sad or happy, it is highly possible to channel these emotions unintentionally. We may not even realize why

Why Balance Your Chakras 阅读更多 "

Symptoms Your Aura Needs Healing

When the integrity of the aura is compromised, you’ll experience an energy drain. This can manifest as a sudden energy loss, a sharp change of mood, headache (often migraine), acute pain, nausea, sudden illness (e.g., infection), etc. The aura will normally recover its integrity in several days through a natural process of self-healing. Thinning of

Symptoms Your Aura Needs Healing 阅读更多 "

Symptoms Your Energy is Off Balance

Common Symptoms Your Energy is Off Balance:• Feeling disconnected to your Life’s purpose or meaning• Feeling debilitated – not able to move forward in life• Feeling unmotivated, lethargic and without energy• Being overwhelmed by life in general• Feeling fear, threats, & scarcity in aspects of your life• Emotional stress, anxiety by situations around you• Prone

Symptoms Your Energy is Off Balance 阅读更多 "

Do You Suffer from these Common Energy Blocks?

Common Energy Blocks:• Tired or lethargic• Stuck or restricted• Negative or self-destructive thoughts• Unmotivated or lacking direction• Easily triggered by others emotions or reactions• Headaches or dizziness• Pain or aches, particularly in the back and shoulders• Weakened immunity• Stress and anxiety• A lack of energy or constantly hungry• An inability to make a decision• Your

Do You Suffer from these Common Energy Blocks? 阅读更多 "


Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)The highest of the 7 chakras represents our ability to be fully connected spiritually. The Crown Chakra is linked to wisdom, inner and outer beauty, our connection to spirituality, pure happiness.Location: Top of the headEmotional problems affecting the Crown Chakra: Obsessive attachment/belief in spirituality, closed-mindedness, living in fantasy rather connected with the self and reality.Physical health

皇冠轮 阅读更多 "


第三眼脉轮(Ajna) 第三眼脉轮掌管我们集中注意力、思考和做出决定的能力。它还调节我们的睡眠和觉醒时间:影响第三眼脉轮的情绪问题:拒绝灵性、不清楚状况、注意力不集中。影响第三眼脉轮的身体健康问题:失眠、偏头痛、鼻窦炎、视力不佳。颜色:靛蓝色治疗练习:调整

第三眼脉轮 阅读更多 "


喉轮(Vishuddi) 喉轮与我们的沟通能力有关。位置:影响喉轮的情感问题:沟通不畅、傲慢、流言蜚语、秘密是影响喉轮的几个主要因素。从情绪的角度来看,抑郁、焦虑和自卑都是喉轮功能失调导致的症状。

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