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Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)The Solar Plexus Chakra governs our ability to be self-confident and to control our own lives.Location: The upper abdomen in the stomach area.Emotional problems affecting the Solar Plexus Chakra: Traumatic experiences can block the proper function of this chakra, causing eating disorders, sense of perfectionism and criticism towards people or the self. For this chakra, meditation […]

太阳神经丛 阅读更多 "


骶轮 (Swadhisthana):骶轮代表我们与他人的联系,以及接受他人和新体验的能力:影响骶轮的情绪问题:富足感、幸福感、愉悦感、性欲。由于骶骨轮对性欲有强烈的影响,能量失衡可能会导致性成瘾、情感疏离以及倾向于不健康和危险的行为。

骶骨脉轮 阅读更多 "



根轮 阅读更多 "


In today’s world, it can be difficult to have trust in much of anything. However, trusting our relationships, spirituality, ourselves, and our emotions is important. Learning to trust may be more difficult if you grew up in a situation in which you didn’t feel you could trust people. But now you can begin to build

信任水晶 阅读更多 "



Being truly prosperous in life is about more than having plenty of money. True prosperity dwells in body, mind, and spirit, bringing you health, happiness, good relationships, fulfilling work, plenty of love, and financial well-being. Many people struggle with prosperity because they believe they don’t deserve it, or that in being prosperous, they will be

繁荣水晶 阅读更多 "

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激情水晶 阅读更多 "



It’s not always easy to stay on an emotionally even keel, nor is it always necessary. Throughout your life, you’ll experience an incredible range of emotions, which is part of the human experience. These emotions are normal and healthy, provided you don’t get trapped in any single negative emotion. Mood swings, however, often accompany hormonal

治疗情绪波动的水晶 阅读更多 "

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