Jupiter in Scorpio in the 11th House

Jupiter in Scorpio in the Eleventh House

Jupiter in Scorpio in 11th House
Jupiter in Scorpio in 11th House

The placement of Jupiter in Scorpio indicates that you are inclined toward a mode of expansiveness that is intense and, at times, emotionally charged. This often manifests as your expansion into an arena in a powerful way. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Jupiter in Scorpio are a result of your intense, emotional need to expand, which may be accompanied by an expansive pursuit of power.

With Jupiter in Scorpio, you tend to understand the world and humanity’s place in it in terms of power 关系 or connectedness to the primal source. Your worldview tends to be dominated either by your focus on power or by an intense, insightful perception into the heart of things. You are almost certain to try to understand the power dynamics of a situation before you move expansively into an arena.

The placement of Jupiter in Scorpio has an inherent potential for tension.  This is symbolized by the natural semi-sextile between Scorpio and Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius. Scorpio is the Fixed Water sign. In the Jupiter in Scorpio placement, the powerful water energy associated with Scorpio will symbolically draw Jupiter down deep within where the expansive functions associated with Jupiter will be forced to operate. Because this “within” is often unexplored and untamed by the consciousness, there is often turbulence associated with Scorpio that can be disruptive to Jupiter’s energies. However, the unleashed power inherent in Scorpio, when propelled outward, can be awesome.


Having Jupiter in Scorpio, the Naked Truth is never easy to bear, particularly if you are insecure. The call to expand your understanding and find the Inner Voice entails suffering. Many will run from this call to understand Reality deeply, doing all in their power to deny its existence. With Jupiter in Scorpio, the result is generally an excessive displacement of this universal drive and a search for fulfillment in the lower attributes associated with Scorpio sex and power over others. Your excesses in these areas are your defense mechanism against ego-destroying Truth. If anyone tries to “rein you in,” your reaction can be severe and ruthless as you protect your essential vulnerabilities.

Jupiter in the 11th House:

Jupiter in the 11th House is well placed. The 11th House’s association with the individual’s 关系 to constructs larger than him/herself shares similarities with Jupiter’s association with the role of acculturation and social institutions in broadening the individual’s horizons. Thus, Jupiter’s expansive energy supports those activities associated with the 11th House function.

Jupiter in the 11th House signifies that you are likely to reap much enjoyment from your involvement in social affairs, whether these relate to small groups or to societal change. Jupiter in the 11th House also suggests that you are likely to be successful in your involvement in group activity and that such involvement will be to your benefit. Jupiter often symbolizes the role of teacher and with Jupiter in the 11th House you may find yourself undertaking a group leadership role.

The 11th House also emphasizes concern about society and social issues, which with Jupiter in the 11th House, translates into a concern for the future as you look beyond the present time-horizon. You will tend to have a positive attitude about the future and look forward to its coming. You may also have a positive attitude toward social institutions and their capacity, within the system, to produce positive benefits for individuals and society. Having Jupiter in the 11th House, you may find yourself assimilating many things from the group(s) to which you belong. This may take the form of emphasizing your self-identity through group-identity.

Focus of Expansion and Growth

As an individual with Jupiter in the 11th House, your expansive tendencies and growth-producing activities will manifest as you participate in group activity or activities designed to produce social change or the improvement of society. Such activity may be a catalyst for your own growth and development. With Jupiter in the 11th House, you may also experience personal growth and development in the context of group situations. Group therapy may be particularly effective if you are troubled, as it would allow you to open up and explore your opportunities for growth in a safe and interactive environment. You may also have a tendency to transfer your need for personal growth, development and understanding to the future, or to a group (the collective “other guy”), resulting in a tendency to procrastinate or avoid responsibility.

Focus of Well-Being

Having Jupiter in the 11th House, feelings of well-being, generosity and good fortune will appear most often when you act in a group setting or as part of a social movement. Such positive energy and feedback may be given to you externally by other members of the group or this may be the internal product of your own satisfaction in engaging in these activities. Generally, you feel good when participating in a group. With Jupiter in the 11th House, you are likely to derive much benefit from group participation and interaction. You may also experience acts of largess or assistance coming from groups or organizations, particularly those with a mission of aiding others.

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