Mars in Leo in the 8th House

Mars in Leo in the Eighth House

Mars in Leo in 8th House
Mars in Leo in 8th House

The placement of Mars in Leo indicates that you have a need to express yourself and be creative in and through your actions. This often manifests as your wanting your actions to be noticed or as a desire for attention, generally. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mars in Leo are a result of your proclivity to take action that will place you in the spotlight and strengthen your self-esteem and personality.

The placement of Mars in Leo is generally harmonious. This is symbolized by the natural trine between Leo and Mars-ruled 白羊座. Leo is the Fixed Fire sign.  The fixed fire of Leo symbolically energizes and gives strength to the active Mars principle. The Mars energy is unhindered, with the only danger being that it becomes too powerful and dominant.

Mars also symbolizes the animus in the psyche. Thus, if you are male with Mars in Leo, you are likely to model your masculinity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Leo, which is a sign, which is generally associated with a masculine energy. If you are female, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Leo-associated traits.


With Mars in Leo, being insecure in your selfhood, you need attention in order to validate your reality. Your ego subconsciously knows that it is not real, but if it is receiving attention, it can persist in the illusion of its reality. You are, therefore, obsessed with the need for recognition and attention. You never feel that you are getting enough attention for yourself. Having Mars in Leo, you continually attempt to monopolize the stage of life and call attention to yourself through outrageous, and even obnoxious, behavior. Alternatively, you may feel that all eyes are on you and you become timid about self-expression and assertive action lest your imperfect performance bring embarrassment or, worse, the dark secrets of your self are laid bare for all to see. Or, worse than that, you may perform and no one notices.

火星在第 8 宫

火星在第 8 宫的位置一般都很好。然而,这种观点似乎在很大程度上受到了火星与欲望和性的联系的影响。第 8 宫传统上是性欲宫,火星在这里的位置暗示着一种 "本色 "的男性性欲。按照这种思路,你一般都能亲密地表达自己的性欲。

火星在第八宫所带来的另一种动力是,通过强烈和专注所产生的力量来提高你的行动能力。这种力量通常来自于你的内心,使你的行动充满力量和信心。这种行动力的来源是你对自己的行动以及对所采取行动的事物或情况的亲密参与。 火星位于第八宫,一般来说,你并不害怕行动。你往往凭直觉知道自己行动的适当形式和最终后果。因此,在他人看来,你的行动可能是强而有力、无所畏惧的。这往往会赢得信任和尊重。这样做的结果往往是,你被安排在一个可以领导或管理他人的位置上。 火星位于第八宫,你希望通过自己的行动体验到的亲密感往往被你从控制的角度来看待。如果你能通过自己的行动进行控制,那么你就能实施亲密关系。 关系 控制的对象。这种控制欲有时会成为一种强迫症。它可能会延伸到你的所有行为,从对他人拥有权力的渴望,到对自己行为保持控制的渴望,再到支配性伴侣的意愿。 作为一个火星位于第八宫的人,这种控制欲有时会对你的主动功能产生抑制作用。你会变得沉默寡言,难以行动。你可能只希望秘密行动,以保护自己的 "权力"。这种情况的两面性是,你渴望解放自己内心的行动力。


火星位于第八宫,如果你内心缺乏安全感,这将导致你渴望亲密关系,但你发现自己无法获得任何亲密关系。实际上,你的自我会一直阻碍你体验亲密关系,但你并不愿意放弃自我。相反,你决心成为 "他人 "的主人,无论这个 "他人 "是你的伴侣、同事还是你所处的环境。火星位于第八宫,你无法放手,因为在你眼中,这意味着失去控制。因此,你的所有行动都是为了确保和维持控制权。通过这种方式,你试图将他人与自己绑在一起。

作为一个火星位于第八宫的人,如果你无法控制局面,那么你可能会做出两极反应之一。你可能会猛烈抨击,拼命试图加强你的控制力。或者,你可能会退缩到自己的亲密关系中,在那里你可以确保 "控制",在那里你可以耿耿于怀对你犯下的错误并策划报复。


火星位于第八宫,你的欲望通常与寻求亲密关系或控制有关。 这可能表现为对性亲密关系或权力的渴望。对于某些火星位于第八宫的人来说,这种对权力的渴望可能会通过神秘学来表达。对于某些人来说,对亲密关系的渴望可能集中在对生死的终极亲密体验上。 你的欲望很可能是私密的,而且会保持私密。你可能认为这些欲望过于私密,即使是与你最亲近的人--当然,也只能与你最亲近的人--分享。

通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.


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