Mercury in Gemini in the Second House
The placement of Mercury in Gemini indicates you have a need for an active and stimulating mental environment and abundant opportunities to communicate. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mercury in Gemini are a result of the very active operation of those functions symbolized by Mercury. Mercury is well placed in Gemini, since Mercury rules Gemini. Thus, those functions associated with Mercury have a particularly strong affinity for Gemini’s energy and the attunement of those functions to Gemini’s vibration strengthens and empowers them.
Gemini is the Mutable Air sign. Gemini’s changeable air is the perfect medium within which the Mercury-associated functions can work. The flexible, changing air element offers little resistance and its “wind” allows the mind to quickly move anywhere it likes. Thus, the functions associated with Mercury are “all over the place.” If there is a drawback to the Gemini placement of Mercury it is the potential for too much mental energy operating too freely and without enough grounding.
As an individual with Mercury in Gemini, if you are insecure, you are never really certain of the knowledge you have acquired. You do not rest long enough to acquire a thorough knowledge of a thing. Partly this is because your ego subconsciously knows that keeping the mind perpetually moving from one thing to another and never letting it rest is one of the best ways to guarantee that the illusion of ego will be maintained. You, therefore, often try to dazzle others with volume and speed in your attempt to hide the superficiality of your knowledge and understanding.
对于水星位于第二宫的人来说,你的大部分精神都可能被物质财富以及为自己和依赖你的人确保一个安全舒适的环境所占据。你可能总是在考虑如何为自己和家人提供物质保障。由于这种关注,水星在第二宫时,你可能更倾向于谨慎和务实的精神态度。当智力有助于追求目标时,你可能会认为智力是有价值的。你可能会对那些关注不那么实际的问题的 "知识分子 "有一些反感。
水星在第二宫,当你把自己的智力能力视为成功获得物质财富和富足生活的必要条件时,你可能会变得内向而缺乏安全感。因此,你的自我价值中附加在心智和沟通能力上的部分,很容易因为你在生活中获得物质上的 "成功 "而受到影响。水星在第二宫,你可能会认为智力的唯一价值在于玩物质获取的游戏。你会把为思考而思考视为无聊的事情。 如果你在物质上不成功,那么你可能会贬低自己的智力,并远离它。这不仅降低了你的自尊心,也实际上保证了你在物质世界的失败。作为一个水星在第二宫的人,你可能会通过重新定义物质成功的概念来弥补自己的不足,重视那些并不是对敏锐智慧的回报的东西。 由于内心的不安全感,你也可能会害怕追求物质成功所带来的负担。这也可能促使你拒绝自己的智力,在他人面前显得迟钝和不善言辞。
通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.
了解自我意识对生活的改变。 深入的星盘分析.更深入地了解自己的真实本性,学习如何以清晰的思路、明确的目标和自信的态度驾驭人生。