Pisces Sun in the 6th House

Sun in Pisces in the Sixth House

Sun in Pisces in 6th House
Sun in Pisces in 6th House

太阳位于双鱼座的你,与其他水象星座(巨蟹座和天蝎座)的人一样,有能力深入洞察人类的心理。在你了解事物之前,你就能感觉到它们,而且你的感觉很少出错。如果你有预感,其他人最好注意一下。你的 "千里眼 "部分源于你首先用心去理解,然后才将直觉上的认识合理化。

作为一个太阳位于双鱼座的人,你拥有超强的直觉和对他人看似无底线的理解,然而你非凡的敏感性可能是你最脆弱的地方。你太容易受到每一个人的影响,太容易被别人的不幸故事或求助所打动。对你来说,学会说 "不 "可能是一生的课题,你可能永远也学不会如何拒绝。





作为一个太阳位于双鱼座的人,你会从周围的一切事物中吸收印象、图像和情感,然后通过你的玫瑰色观点来过滤它们,你希望事情是怎样的。这并不是说你不能面对现实--只是你喜欢把生活想象成一部超级浪漫的电影,充满了幸福的结局,每个人都有最美好的动机。你是一个感情丰富的人。当你参与一个创造性的项目或一个充满爱的家庭时,你会感到强烈的快乐和幸福。 关系.反之亦然:你会比大多数人承受更深的悲伤。然而,你比大多数人想象的要坚强。把你推倒,你会像浴缸里的橡胶玩具一样弹回来。你精力充沛,会被周围发生的事情所吸引。你最大的优点是乐于助人;无论谁需要你,你都会随时提供帮助。


Sun in the 6th House

Having your Sun in the 6th House generally indicates an introverted personality. The Sun, as it were, can be inhibited from shining forth both because you tend to be self-absorbed (in your own refinement and perfection) and because your 关系 toward others tend to be supportive in nature. For the Sun’s energy to flow, you must find the proper channels – organizing your energies, recognizing your duty in the world and, and often, expressing yourself analytically.

As an individual with your Sun in the 6th House, you may have to come to terms with your role in life. If you try to strain against your role in life and become what you are not, your chances of meeting with success will be diminished. You may find, however, that you naturally align yourself with your reality. You may take satisfaction in work, in supporting others, or in bringing others towards a state of health.

With your Sun in the 6th House, you are also likely to be concerned, in one way or another, with your own state of health and wholeness. Your focus on self-refinement and self-improvement can be accompanied by a tendency toward self-analysis. This can manifest as self-awareness, self-criticism or worry. You may desire to attain perfection, but you are more likely to see your imperfections. This real or imagined self-knowledge may contribute to your reluctance to take on leadership roles or to become too independent.


Having your Sun in the 6th House, when you are inwardly insecure, you feel inadequate to the task of self-perfection and, inwardly, you reject this quest. You develop a profound sense of inadequacy and worthlessness, compounded by being fated to occupy subservient positions within society. Your reactions may include slavishness and sycophancy, criticism and back-biting of others (especially those thought to be in a weaker position), or an over-compensating sense of self-importance and need to show superiority. You may also sacrifice yourself to your work in order to try to prove your worth to yourself and to others. Thus, you are vulnerable to excessive worry and to ruining your health from stress and overwork.


With your Sun in the 6th House, you tend to identify with work, duty and being supportive to others. You have a tendency to see yourself as someone who operates “behind the scenes” or as someone who is placed in a lower-order role. You may also gain a sense of identity from providing service to others. Your self-worth becomes linked to your ability to be of service. The danger here is that, in order to feel validated, you may trap yourself and others into a relationship of dependency. You may also take your identity from your involvement in various types of self-improvement. This may range from such things as body-building to a commitment to inner work on self-refinement and purification. Having your Sun in the 6th House, you generally feel empowerment, vibrancy, vitality and self-assurance from the pursuit of typical 6th House activities – work, service, attendance to duty, self-improvement and health matters. When you engage in these activities, it may be easier for you to express your personality and you may also feel more whole and self-fulfilled.

通过 "你的个性、动机和愿望",深入了解你的个性、动机和愿望。 深入的占星学与命理学星盘分析.


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