
The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a very uncontrollable personality charged with the desire for intellectual freedom, travel, adventure, and the quest for excitement. You are frank, honest, restless, never stop learning and growing. Your highly individualistic nature has you running in high gear nearly all the time. You are the type that knows a little bit about many things, and you’re sure to have an opinion on almost any subject that comes up. Oddly enough, though your knowledge is often rather superficial, your quick wit and gift for oratory makes you a debater to be reckoned with. Your honesty and frankness can lead you into difficulties at times, your mind works so quick that tact and diplomacy sometimes are forgotten in your instantaneous repartees. Your witty personality, quickness of mind, and facility of thought will take you far. This is perhaps one of the most independent combinations. Deciding on your life’s work and sticking to a plan may not be easy. You simply must have the freedom of mind, body and spirit. Highly social and outgoing, your conversation skills are admired by all.


Vivid imagination, mental dexterity, intuitive leaps, voracious appetite for people and experiences, optimism, good ideas, insight into people, flair for communication and enthusing others.


Tendency to talk too much and somewhat indiscreetly, impatience with feelings and taking responsibility for yourself, a tendency to breeze through life using your quick wit rather than your higher intellectual faculties, your need to know it all.




了解你的月亮星座和月相对你的影响、 在此获取免费的个性化月亮解读视频。


探索宇宙自我的秘密,明确自己独特的人生道路。一个 深入的占星学和命理学星盘分析 提供了深刻的见解,将帮助你充满信心和目标地驾驭人生的曲折。
