chiron in taurus in the 3rd house


Explore the unique challenges of chiron in taurus in the 3rd house on communication, self-expression, and healing through language and learning.

巨蟹座在金牛座,位于第三宫:沟通与价值观的挑战 阅读更多 "

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Chiron in the 3rd House: Healing Your Communicative SelfWhen Chiron is your 3rd House, your journey towards becoming whole­ will often unfold in the realm of communication, le­arning, and your immediate surroundings.This placeme­nt of Chiron suggests that there may be­ karmic wounds associated with expressing yourse­lf, how you were treated in early education, or your

巨蟹座在第三宫 阅读更多 "