Planets in the 6th House

The Sixth House (House of Service and of Health)

Sun in 6th House (Planet of vitality and individuality):

You take pride in your work and have a talent for organization. You need to feel appreciated. Health tends to be good, with strong recuperative powers, though you are subject to occasional nagging health problems.

Good point: you’re an efficient problem solver.

Bad point: you can be fussy and difficult to work for.

Moon in 6th House (Planet of emotions and instincts):

You may change jobs frequently until you find something that truly suits you. Unhappiness at work may affect your health adversely. You may be especially prone to stomach trouble.

Good point: intuitive and imaginative in work.

Bad point: unstable and indecisive about responsibility.

Mercury in 6th House (Planet of the mind):

You are something of a perfectionist, which can make day-to-day problems seem overwhelming. You take an interest in health, diet, and hygiene, and are usually well informed about the latest on these subjects. You have a tendency to be nervous and may have respiratory or stomach problems.

Good point: practical and efficient, especially in work involving writing or communications.

Bad point: a worrier about health and work.

Venus in 6th House (Planet of love and pleasure):

You strive for harmony and good 关系 with associates on the job. You don’t like hard or gritty physical labor. Health is good, though you tend to overindulge in eating and drinking.

Good point: work situation may bring romance.

Bad point: tendency to laziness and letting others do the chores.

Mars in 6th House (Planet of energy and assertiveness):

In your work you set out to accomplish things. Keeping impulsiveness under control will make you more efficient. You drive yourself hard and expect others to perform at your level. You have vitality and energy, but are prone to careless accidents.

Good point: can initiate new work methods.

Bad point: at times intolerant and argumentative with coworkers.

Jupiter in 6th House (Planet of luck and expansion):

You tend to be successful in work and get along well with associates. You are loyal and dependable, and 木星 usually brings monetary reward. You love good food and tend to gain weight.

Good point: work brings opportunity for travel and expansion.

Bad point: health problems because of overindulgence.

Saturn in 6th House (Planet of discipline and limitation):

You are a conscientious and reliable worker and handle responsibility well. You are exacting in your demands on yourself. Health may be under strain due to overwork or because you tend to neglect looking after yourself.

Good point: you are admired by colleagues and associates.

Bad point: you can’t accept that there are limitations and obstacles beyond your control.

Uranus in 6th House (Planet of change and originality):

You think of new methods or original ideas in plying your trade. You are also erratic and impatient, and sometimes don’t achieve as much as a more thorough and disciplined worker. Your health is subject to unusual complaints that are difficult to diagnose or treat.

Good point: ability to modernize, streamline, or improve old ideas.

Bad point: inconsistency in output and devotion to a task.

Neptune in 6th House (Planet of spirituality and illusion):

You are idealistic about your work, sensitive to your surroundings and associates. You may have difficulty finding the right circumstances in which you can be happy and comfortable. Health is subject to strange ailments; drugs are a particular hazard and their use should be supervised by a doctor.

Good point: a desire to help the unfortunate.

Bad point: inclined to laziness and merely drifting along.

Pluto in 6th House (Planet of transformation):

You have great power of concentration and are intent on seeing results. You tend to overwork yourself. You take an interest in medicine and health and are sometimes gifted in the 疗伤 arts.

Good point: the work you do can inspire others.

Bad point: physical energy is often sapped by job pressures.