Virgo Man

A Virgo individual is one who is born during August 23rd and September 22nd. Typically, a Virgo man can be characterized as a humble, simple man who believes in quality over quantity. He is unpretentious and an introvert and can do little in love and emotional circumstances where he is required to think with his heart rather than his brain. They like to be punctual to their meetings and other important events, a quality which they expect others around them to follow. You wouldn’t want to argue with a Virgo man about discipline and manners because he will be prim and proper at all times. You wouldn’t see a Virgo man day dream and stare into an empty space painting a picture of his ideal future in his mind, act now and for today. It is rare to see a Virgo man who is not hardworking and diligent and one who will do nothing to achieve his dreams.

When you want a reliable and trustworthy friend; look no further than the Virgo. Of course, you can’t go around asking a man his sun sign before befriending him but if you do have a Virgo man in your social circle, observe that he will be the one many people fall back on for advice especially in times of trouble. A Virgo man does not easily change his ways, so do not expect it, as he is one of the few signs who dislikes variation and will not readily accept today’s new ideas, whether at play or at work. This uncompromising approach can cause more harm than good, but unfortunately, there little he can do to alter it.

If you are waiting for your Virgo to let you know that he passionately loves you and that he would travel to the ends of the earth and back just to demonstrate his love for you, you’re sadly out of luck. Conveying emotional feelings is not a Virgo man’s forte and because it is a characteristic that he is born with, there is little chance of change in his personality today or any time soon. Not so much as a gossip queen, but a man born with this designation does interfere in other’s lives to the extent that may make them feel uncomfortable. Should he be told that this interference should stop? Maybe, but you never know how he will react to that complaint. He may take it in stride or he may shrug it off as a joke and continue his interfering as if nothing happened.

If there are people most resistant to change, Virgo men are it. They embrace and find comfort in the routine, the conventional, and the familiar. If they can keep things the way they are, they will fight for it to remain that way. This makes them somewhat inflexible at their own expense, and this gives them difficulty when the change is inevitable. This is just how the Virgo man is by nature. If you want your Virgo man to profess his undying love for you and promise you the moon and the stars, don’t count on it. Virgo men aren’t the most expressive ones in the Zodiac, and since this is an inborn trait, you will find them hard to change given the change-resistant nature they have, to begin with.

He gives an impression of being in firm control of his emotions, but this is often a disguise. The Virgo man is sensitive, receptive, sensuous, and cautious all at the same time. He will never sweep you into the bedroom and take you by force. For one thing, he has too much respect for a woman. Because he does not find it easy to express his own deep feelings, he is often drawn to women who are effusive and vivacious. Yet he has a horror of getting embroiled in tempestuous scenes and angry tantrums. Emotionality upsets him, but because he is both attracted to it and disturbed by it, his love life never runs as smoothly as he’d like. This man’s love nature can be described as private. At times there is even a surface quality of untouchability about him, but this is an expression of his self-containment. He has a keen sense of the dividing line between your psyche and his.

The woman a Virgo man ultimately chooses has to measure up to very high standards. What he particularly doesn’t like in a woman is any suggestion of coarseness, cheapness, or loose and careless conduct. Fastidious is a good word for what he does like. While he doesn’t find it easy to express himself directly about his emotional needs, he has a way of making his dissatisfactions known. He can be demanding. He can find fault. The woman who finds this annoying has one important consolation: His demands and his fault-finding are proof he cares about her. Otherwise, he wouldn’t bother.

To some women he may seem lacking in romance, at least in the cinematic tradition of moonlight, roses, and masked men riding into a cobbled courtyard. A woman will never look down from her balcony to find him strumming his guitar and singing romantic ballads. But in the cold light of dawn, in the real world we all inhabit, Virgo men have a lot more to offer than masked riders or lovesick troubadours. For one, a Virgo lover will still be there with the dawn’s early light. He won’t be riding off to sing ballads to someone else.

Virgo dreams about changing his image. He would like to be a love-’em-and-leave-’em type, a Don Juan, a bon vivant. The woman who taps this secret Virgo fantasy will reap the surprisingly rich and memorable rewards of his pent-up sensuality. It’s all there under the surface, and it’s the kind of sensuality that improves with time. As a lover, he is simple, direct, and for real. If you are looking for quality, not glitter, Virgo is your man.
