sun sign

Your Sun Sign’s Cosmic Forecast: The Impact of September 2024 Transits

September 2024 is packed with powerful astrological transits that will bring significant shifts for every zodiac Sun sign. From Pluto retrograding into Capricorn to a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, these cosmic events will touch various aspects of life—whether it’s personal transformation, relationships, or career goals. Below is a comprehensive analysis of how each […]

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Your ‘Big 3’ Signs in Astrology

Your sun, moon, and rising signs are known as your “big three” signs in astrology — think of them as your most significant astrological stats.These Big 3 Astrology signs are super important in your birth chart, and each rules over its own part of your personality and overall self. While the sun represents the core

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Aquarius Sun in the 12th House

Sun in Aquarius in the Twelfth HouseHaving your Sun in Aquarius, intellectual independence is your most marked characteristic. In the sign of Aquarius, the combination of a fixed quality (representing persistence) and an air element (representing intellect and communication) under the influence of the planet of change, Uranus, creates a personality that is liberal, progressive,

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Capricorn Sun in the 12th House

Sun in Capricorn in the Twelfth HouseHaving your Sun in Capricorn, your motivating force is desire for success, money, status, position, authority, and (though you may not realize it) for love. Capricorn is both an earth sign and a cardinal sign, and the combination of practicality (earth) and initiative (cardinal) produces a personality geared toward

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Scorpio Sun in the 12th House

Sun in Scorpio in the Twelfth HouseThis is the sign of extremes. Individuals with their Sun in Scorpio are variously described as powerful, weak, independent, clinging, passionate, and cold. Clearly, you are a bundle of contradictions encompassing the best and worst in human nature.With your Sun in Scorpio, the key to your personality is intensity.

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Cancer Sun in the 12th House

Sun in Cancer in the Twelfth HouseHaving your Sun in Cancer, you may appear gentle, kind, sympathetic, and a patient listener. Then someone asks for advice, and you turn cranky, snappish, and appear to be completely indifferent to anyone’s problems but your own. You may wallow in self-pity and complain endlessly about how mistreated you

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Gemini Sun in the 12th House

Sun in Gemini in the Twelfth HouseIndividuals with their Sun in Gemini are many-sided, quick in thought and action, clever with words, skillful at handling others, and brimming with new ideas. Astrologers regard this third sign of the zodiac as the quintessentially human sign, for it seems to sum up qualities that are the distinguishing

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