Chiron in Virgo – A Core Wound in Managing Physical Health and Routines

If you have Chiron in Virgo, your core wounding affects all of the aspects surrounding your physical health and the establishment (and maintenance) of healthy routines.

Chiron in Virgo
Chiron in Virgo

What does Chiron in Virgo signify to you personally?

With Chiron in Virgo, your professional and personal lives could be off balance and appear overwhelming.

There may be times of feeling like you’re broken. However, you’re not sure the best way to heal. This can cause anxiety and mental stress.

Individuals with Chiron in Virgo are known for having the desire to help others and a passion for healing and teaching as well as a pioneering spirit. This is good! Another benefit is the fact that Chiron has a natural affinity with this sign of Virgo and is comfortable there. This is due to the fact that Chiron is the symbol of self-healing. This is why Chiron in Virgo encourages you to develop in the realms of personal health, self-healing, and the maintenance of these routines. You can ask Chiron to assist and guide you through these areas.

Because you’re such an incredibly reliable teacher, provider or employee, parent, partner, and companion, the uncertainty that you face in regards to not understanding how to help yourself is distressing to you.

The secret to healing with Chiron in Virgo is to learn to nourish yourself.

This means eating nutritious food, taking enough sleep, as well as the physical pleasures of adventure, exercise, and fun, including sex.

It’s important to be aware of your limits, as when you set limits, you can transcend any coping mechanisms that are not optimal such as restrictive diets and addictive habits, or even workaholic tendencies. You’ve always known that routines that leave you exhausted from over-working are not healthy or sustainable. It is clear there’s a deeper fundamental issue to be addressed.

Having Chiron in Virgo, you don’t want to disappoint your loved ones and you worry that taking the time to take care of yourself, you’ll let them down and so you push forward, always hoping for some rest. What I’d like you to be aware of at this moment is that your loved ones want you to be healthy, happy, and rejuvenated each day. They don’t want you to feel empty and depleted.

With Chiron in Virgo, when you’re at your bottom you, just like all others who are in this situation are a bit rough, edgy often agitated, and exhausted. I am sure that you are able to recognize the importance of self-care, but you neglect and ignore your needs, thereby violating your own inner understanding of what it takes to take care of yourself. On the other hand, you’ll be willing to be available to assist others. Burnout is a possibility and you’re probably already there. The deeper issue is based on the notion that when you do and give, you’ll feel great about yourself, and in turn, feel loved and appreciated by others. Perhaps you think that giving to others is a way of refereeing self-criticism and judgment, thus alleviating feelings of self-esteem loss.

Your journey to healing with Chiron in Virgo is about getting back in alignment with yourself and learning to establish boundaries and be self-reflective.

This can be accomplished by reorganizing your daily routines to include healthy nutrition, rest, exercise, fun, and pleasure.

If you have Chiron in Virgo, learn to appreciate your productivity, which could involve meaningful ways of being of service which energize you instead of exhausting you. The best way to start to gain self-approval is to implement the daily habit of identifying the qualities you really like about yourself. Write them down, say them out loud, and add them to your list every day If you can. In time, the seeds will sprout into generous doses of self-love, and acceptance and will nourish your inner garden.

As you consistently affirm the things you are happy about yourself, the self-affirmation practice energizes you in your daily life. Recognizing yourself can trigger a change in your perspective from focusing on what’s lacking and focusing on the things you are grateful for. This shift in consciousness can bring more joy and fun into your daily life. You can learn faster and have longer-lasting effects on your life by encouraging yourself rather than critiquing.

Having Chiron in Virgo, learning to find new ways to validate yourself without giving too much of yourself, can aid in building a deeper source of self-esteem.

Perhaps you could begin delegating certain tasks that you’ve been taking care of by yourself to others. When you shift your responsibilities and delegate tasks to others you free up space in your calendar and set up routines that can take care of your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

With Chiron in Virgo, your core wound affects your beliefs when it comes to balancing your well-being and health, as well as related maintenance routines. Finding solutions with a fresh approach, such as a strength-based view, can be a beneficial and practical exercise you could try for yourself.

Having people in your life who are supportive and encourage you to take care of your health can be very beneficial. In order to take care of yourself, you should ask for help from people who can assist you in achieving your goals. We all need trustworthy people in our lives to be our accountability partners, they are the ones who keep us on track.

If untreated, the shadow aspects of Chiron in Virgo can lead your behavior to trigger ridicule and resentment from other people, rather than the compassion and understanding from them that you desire. Individuals with Chiron in Virgo can become overly worried about their daily routines and health until they reach the point of hypochondria. Hypochondria can be defined as having excessive anxiety over your health, and the fear of having a serious illness. It can cause people to turn away from you rather than make them want to join you. Find the appropriate healthcare and psychological treatments to deal with anxiety as well as worry and hypochondria.

Another possible unconscious shadow element of Chiron in Virgo can be the fact that you could be a serious workaholic.

The health risks, as well as many chronic health problems, can result from physical neglect, and stress caused by working too much.

Set an appropriate baseline for yourself. It’s important to hold yourself in a space of love and compassion. There’s no place for criticism or judgments when you begin to heal. Unconditional love can act as an aid to healing if you have Chiron in Virgo and helps to ground you in the feeling of health and well-being. Give yourself a safe and comfortable place to be emotionally and mentally while you examine your habits and begin to build the foundation for your healing.

Invest in an online calendar or daily calendar to map out your week’s tasks and deadlines, appointments for health, and playtimes for physical and social activities. Schedule your annual wellness routines and health appointments in advance and go to them. Plan ahead so you can keep your scheduled appointments.

With Chiron in Virgo, scheduling at least one day off every week can also be extremely beneficial. Set up an activity or stay in and relax for a day or plan for some time to hang out with friends. Plan a vacation every year even if it’s just only a day trip or weekend trip to a beach nearby or a hike.
