
Your ‘Big 3’ Signs in Astrology

Your sun, moon, and rising signs are known as your “big three” signs in astrology — think of them as your most significant astrological stats.These Big 3 Astrology signs are super important in your birth chart, and each rules over its own part of your personality and overall self. While the sun represents the core […]

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Your Midheaven Sign – Your Ideal Career

The Midheaven is the entrance to the tenth house and relates to your career, reputation, and social standing. These are your most visible achievements in the eyes of the world.Your Midheaven Sign is the Zodiac Sign that was at the southern highest point above the horizon at the moment you were born. This southern highest

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5 Ways You Can Use Psychological Astrology in Everyday Life

Psychological astrology brings psychology and astrology together along their unifying thread: understanding our potentials and challenges and moving, through self-knowledge and practice, through obstacles and into a more joyful and fulfilled life. Psychological astrology dictates that every person arrives on this planet with specific proclivities, strengths, and liabilities. It’s a way of understanding what our

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Crystals for Specific Emotions

Find the correct crystals to use to help with healing or manifestation… Crystals for Abandonment Crystals and Anxiety Crystals for Change & Acceptance Crystals for Spiritual & Emotional Cleansing Crystals for Confidence Crystals for Courage Crystals for Depression Crystals for Emotional Trauma Crystals for Achieving Goals Crystals for Hope Crystals for Intuition Crystals for Joy

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5 Signs That You’re Not Living in Alignment with Your Purpose

When you are on your true life path you feel the most at peace and fulfilled. Straying from your path leads to living no longer in alignment with your purpose.But how can you tell if you’re living in alignment with your soul’s purpose, and what are the signs that you’re not?Having this knowledge and awareness

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Are Limiting Beliefs Diminishing Your Manifesting Power?

The Law of Attraction is a universal law supported by the law of physics – like attracts like. The is the principle behind getting what you want in life, or attracting what you do not want. Most people go through life unaware of how the law of attraction is affecting their lives; the law affects

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Are Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Abundance

Most of us want prosperity in all areas of life and consider abundance to be wealth, health, and happiness. We often ponder on what our ideal life would be, what career environment we would enjoy, and how we would spend our free time.For many of us, our actual experience in one or more areas of

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7 Limiting Beliefs That May Be Keeping You Stuck in Repetitive Cycles of Lack

We all are unique individuals with our own unique thought patterns and at some stage in life will suffer from deep-rooted limiting beliefs.Limiting beliefs prevent us from attracting what we want into our lives.They are so powerful that no matter how hard we try to control our thoughts or emotions, we still can’t manifest our

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Unique Mental Health Strategies Anyone Can Use

Boosting your mental health can improve several other aspects of your life, from your job to your relationships, so it’s crucial to actively look for ways to feel better and work them into your daily routine. You don’t have to feel obligated to practice the same self-care methods that everyone else uses, however, especially if

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How to Manifest a Life in Alignment with Your Soul’s Purpose

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction work best when you are living and creating from a place of inspiration. Inspiration is a natural result of aligning yourself to your Life’s calling or purpose. Manifesting when in alignment with the universe is joyful, easier, and much more abundant than attempting to manifest from a place of

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8 Steps to Manifest Your Best Life

Clear Up Your EnergyRelease all forms of negative energy, guilt, shame, anger, and frustration. Discover how Chakras & Emotions are related. Have deep gratitude for the gifts your life experiences have brought you. Write down what it is you want to manifest and adopt a healthy loving attitude to life.Get ClarityImagine clearly and in detail

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The Pinnacles in Numerology

The Pinnacles are four long-term cycles, or periods, on our Life PathEach Pinnacle represents a particular lesson we are working on. The first Pinnacle usually lasts from birth to between the ages of 30 and 35 (your specific Pinnacle periods are provided below). The middle two Pinnacles each last nine years. The last Pinnacle will

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Meditation’s Benefits For The Mind And Body

The benefits of meditation can’t be underscored enough. Not only does it reduce stress, but meditation also has a host of physical benefits as well. Whether you choose to go all-in with wellness guides from Truly Divine or simply choose to enjoy a quiet introspective moment each morning, you can’t go wrong with meditation. Here

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Start a Meditation Practice That Will Unleash Your Full Potential in Uncertain Times

Almost a year and half into the COVID-19 pandemic, life has yet to return to “normal.” We’re still not traveling as much as we used to. We’re still attending virtual networking group meetings, and we’re still not seeing friends and loved ones as often.As a result, it is 100% understandable if you still aren’t feeling

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