Virgo Personality Traits

Virgos are pragmatic and cautions, they aren’t big risk takers. But, their sense of loyalty means that he or she will follow someone who does take risks into risky situations. When it comes to romance, Virgos have a quiet emotionality along with strong and sometimes demanding standards. Virgos prefer logic and will find holes in propositions that other people would miss. The thinking precision of Virgos is one of their better traits. Their capacity for determined action is another, along with their loyalty and great capacity for dedication.

The drawbacks of the Дева sign are an over attention to detail and a tendency to fret obsessively. They can be very practical, except about the things they are worried about. They can become quite obsessive and refuse to move forward until the problem they have their attention fixed on is handled. Since some problems simply can’t be solved, Virgos will often sit in one spot emotionally for years and not move, waiting for the problem to resolve. So, if you love a Virgo, the best thing is to keep things that might worry them off their plate.

Virgo Zodiac Sign

This is an earth sign and the sixth sign of the zodiac. Although the ruling planet is Ртуть, the Virgo tends to be grounded and analytical. The Virgo’s personality is often mistakenly perceived as frigid and emotionally aloof, however this is only because intellectual Virgos typically put their intelligence and apprehension before their emotions. Their way of doing things is almost always about putting their head before their heart, but it isn’t because they don’t have any feelings, it’s because this is how they protect themselves. Virgos are chronic perfectionists. They don’t understand people who can be satisfied doing a poor job or even a half decent one for that matter. They are terribly critical, but not only of others and the world around them, but of themselves as well. Family members of Virgo people know that they are often harder on themselves than they are on anyone else.

Virgos have a very strong moral sense of good and bad, which cause them to be quite discriminating. They have a very keen ability to sense if people have bad motives, so they are a very careful and cautious lot.

Not many Virgos have calendars teeming with activities and things to do. While they are not totally passive, at certain times you will find them very agile. Virgo likes to take great care and caution in whatever they do. They can be hygiene freaks, which may seem unnecessary to others. While smart, they can still be quite confused about which decision is best in the daily grind of life. Virgos are good at forming connections with other people.

They are not as highly extroverted as the other astrology signs, and they may guard their true feelings in public. Most of the time, Virgos are weighed down by their feeling of responsibility. They may take tasks and work too seriously that they don’t allow much room for enjoyment. But if they try and learn to relax, they will find that their lives will feel a lot lighter and they can be able to enjoy their days better. In a social circle, they can be fun and easy going.

Virgo as an Earth Sign

Virgo is an Earth sign, and rightly so, because Earth represents practicality, which is what Virgos are to begin with. They are very logical in their approach and have an uncanny ability to put a finger on what’s wrong in a given situation. As per Virgo predictions, they are grounded realists and would rather believe and live in what is known to be real rather than spend time with their head in their clouds. When it comes to practical solutions, the advice of Virgo is sought after. They are good, thorough analysts and they can make logical choices and conclusions from their analysis.

Положительные качества и сильные стороны

The Virgo sign values purity and is the purists of the zodiac. They are analytical and observant, and they are very reliable friends. They are quick and keen to help. They do not like to talk much, preferring to express themselves in as few words as possible. They also have a knack for music and it is not uncommon to find singers, songwriters, and musicians who are Virgos. In a social circle they can be fun and easy going. They are engaging and can fascinate other people with their brains. Virgo signs are walking lie detectors. You cannot deceive them with flattery, pretend courteousness or gallantry.

The trait which distinguishes Virgo from the rest of the zodiac is their sagacity. While they can be harsh critics, they are in fact the most level headed of all the signs in the zodiac. Their analytical mind causes them to see things clearly and critic the situation well. Virgos have a good ability to clearly differentiate the good from the bad, the right from the wrong. They see things in black and white instead of different shades of grey. They are also good lie detectors, they can see through a sham any time of day. Virgos are the least likely to fall prey to get rich or get famous quick schemes. They are reliable friends that give sensible advice and are a gem in situations where critical thinking is needed to arrive at the best solution.

Отрицательные качества и слабости

Just as purity is a virtue of the Virgo, their love for purity causes them to be fault-finding and judgmental of others who don’t fit into their standards of right and wrong. They are quick to criticize, which isn’t always welcome to their friends, loved ones, and acquaintances. They also have a tendency to be cynical when you ask them a question. Because they care much for right and wrong, they sometimes step into other’s affairs. Their meticulousness in dealing with their belongings and possessions can be irritating for others who do not understand this habit of theirs. Because they live their lives by very strict standards, they can fall into the trap of leading a boring life.

Practicality is a strength and a virtue of the Virgo, but as with all things, overdoing it is their weakness. They can be cleaning and hygiene freaks even when it is most unpractical to do so. They are wary and suspicious of nearly everyone and everything around them, and their nosiness causes them to take too much interest in the affairs of others even when it is no longer their business. They are as fussy as they are meticulous, and they find it hard to resist the urge to put everything in the right order even when it is inconvenient to others.

Characteristics of Virgo

Meticulous: Being alert to everything, they see to it that they are not the cause of ruin or destruction in a job. They take a closer look into a task and take care to do their part properly.

Moody: Virgo signs are prone to being moody most of the time. If you are looking for unpredictability in your life, their moods are just what you need.

Economical: Virgo zodiac signs are a spendthrift people. Their calculating nature favors them in their ability to strike the best deal in shopping and in business, and they are aware of the virtues of saving and do not find it hard to practice.

Perfectionist: Nearly all Virgos are perfectionists, fussing over every little and large thing to make sure everything is exactly just right.

Conventional: Virgo men and women can be quite traditional. They strictly adhere to the principles and values that they were brought up with. Experimenting isn’t a favorite game of theirs. They would rather go the sure and tested way.

Trustworthy: Virgos value trustworthiness and can be relied upon in times of need. They will always be there to fulfill their duties to you as a friend, partner, or lover. If it is part of their obligation and responsibility towards you, they will not complain.