Moon in Scorpio – Detailed Personality Traits


Scorpio Moon


Having your Moon is in the water sign of Scorpio it is considered to be debilitated and in a hard place of expression. This occurs because the nature of the inner world governed by Scorpio is contradictory to the exalted and beneficial placement of the Moon in Taurus, its opposite. The Moon’s nature normally seeks stability, and calm with an instinctive contemplated desire to turn emotional responses into purposeful actions. 

With a Scorpio Moon, the inner world and emotions exist in such a way that works against the inherent nature of the Moon’s desired comfortable state. The Scorpio Moon’s inner world lacks stability and is intense in emotional reactions. The instincts are geared toward reacting in a powerful manner based on the powerful dark natures of Scorpio’s ruling planets Марс and Pluto. 

Fixed Nature of the Scorpio Moon

Having a Scorpio Moon the inner thinking and reactions are of a fixed nature. In this situation, ideas and thoughts generated in the mind can be very stubborn and difficult to change. Once the mind is made up on something an intense attachment will form, unwavering to outside influence. For the individual with a Scorpio Moon, the only influence capable of changing an attachment to a feeling or thought is a stronger reaction than what already exists.

The Scorpio Moon thinking seeks stability and dependability with things to gain a sense of inner comfort. The Moon’s Fixed emotional nature makes letting go of stable emotional attachments very difficult. The attachment to dependable situations can become the Moon’s worst enemy due to how deeply one can latch on to things. A Scorpio Moon is not adept at going with the flow of change in life that is often inevitable. In turn, this extreme behavior of holding on to attachments that bring emotional security can bring great inner hardship as life is always changing. As an individual with a Scorpio Moon, life will lead you to learn painful emotional lessons that things need to be let go in order to grow. 

Life or Death Attachment with a Scorpio Moon

With a Scorpio Moon, the instinct to possess things for emotional security can be so strong it produces a feeling of life-or-death attachment. Losing the bonding with things that bring emotional security can run deep and stir heavy emotional reactions and sadness. In order to avoid such situations from coming to fruition the mind seeks to have power over situations to gain a sense of control. Unfortunately, nothing in life can truly ever be controlled, owned, or possessed and it’s a dark lesson for the Scorpio Moon. The inevitable reality does not stop a Scorpio Moon from trying to keep things close for peace of mind. The inner self is in a constant battle of fear trying to prevent loss and keep a sense of stability. 

The Intense Inner Thinking of a Scorpio Moon

The Scorpio Moon’s inner emotional thinking patterns are riddled with a depth of intensity. With Scorpio Moon, the combination of Pluto and Mars together ruling the Moon intensifies the emotions to the point emotions are felt to great extremes.  The Moon’s entire inner world is moved greatly anytime something is felt internally and the reactive thinking is often impulsively quick due to Mars’ influence on the Moon. The thinking is very powerful and manifests in stimulating strong reactions that can bring waves of change or influence. For a Scorpio Moon, the soul and emotional thinking are all married and closely connected.

For the watery Scorpio Moon emotions and thoughts compulsively drive one to action in order to bring passions to life. These passions taken satisfy both a great need for peace of mind as well as to regenerate the inner core soul.  Satisfying both the soul and the emotions create a feeling of being alive that inspires purpose in their soul and creates great inner happiness. 

The Scorpio Moon’s conscious mind seeks intense experiences that help enrich the soul and bring a feeling of emotional growth. There is a dislike towards choices and situations that are prohibitive or restraining towards feeling regenerated on the inner level. The inner emotional mind, being ruled by Pluto, brings a great intense desire to transform and grow to find peace of mind in life. Any kind of restricting of growth can feel like inner death of the emotions. In order to feel alive emotionally a Scorpio Moon will always be needing to challenge themselves to push the boundaries to become something greater. 


Moon in Scorpio


The Scorpio Moon Private Inner Nature

Pluto influences a very private nature into the feelings and thoughts of a Scorpio Moon. A Scorpio Moon is likely to struggle in expressing their feelings due to a need to be private in order to feel safe from other people or situations that can upset their inner stability.  Having a Scorpio Moon, one can feel a great sense of fear that others are out to judge their thoughts and intentions. One of the main reasons a Scorpio Moon remains private is to protect themself from being open to having outside forces having control over them. With this paranoia, the Scorpio Moon individual internalizes their feelings and thoughts in order to protect themselves from getting hurt. This natural tendency can spurn oneself into feeling isolated but at the same time make them emotionally secure, this way nothing can hurt them. 

Peace of mind for a Scorpio Moon comes through having secrets and hiding things away from exposure to the open. A Scorpio Moon trusts very few people with things that are personal and takes a long time to intimately open up to others about these matters. Trusting someone intimately is vital to them so their emotions don’t stay bottled up and their mind can be clear. Having secrets exposed after trust is given can cause angry and distrustful feelings towards whom the secrets were entrusted to. With this, the Scorpio Moon can grow weary and become more intensely private to protect personal sensitivities. 

A Scorpio Moon portrays an outer image of always being in control and doing well in social or conversational settings. Their Moon protects their sensitive emotional inner workings by hiding their true feelings and thoughts that are going on inside. Being socially withdrawn tends to shut out chances of expanding friendship circles or meeting new contacts. A Scorpio Moon will find themselves in situations where drama is created because of how mysterious and protective their thoughts and emotions are. Others socially tend to perceive a Scorpio Moon as unfriendly, lacking ingenuity, or just as an individual disinterested in bonding or forming friendships. Being private often causes issues with building a support network that can be called on when things go wrong. Shutting others out to protect their vulnerabilities tends to leave the Scorpio Moon alone to deal with their emotions. 

The Penetrating Investigative Mind of a Scorpio Moon

The Scorpio Moon mind is deeply tuned in with an investigative nature that needs to look below the surface to find answers. The Scorpio Moon individual has the ability to find out anything by harnessing their powerful research abilities. Individuals here dig deep and look for hidden information that is not common knowledge and does not exist in the realm of common society.

The desire to dig deep can gravitate towards an interest in learning about the deepest parts of their emotions as well.  A Scorpio Moon individual will have a great interest in the understanding of human psychology and emotions. Through the observation of others and their own emotions, they are able to understand the great depth, purpose, and reason behind emotions. Through this deep research, a Scorpio Moon can work vigilantly in connecting the dots and understanding what makes up the psychological foundation of an emotion. A Scorpio Moon can also be naturally gifted in intuitively deciphering the motivations and psychological reasons behind the actions of others towards them.

The Scorpio Moon’s Deep Memory & Great Imagination

The memories of a Scorpio Moon are incredibly deep due to the depth the element of water brings to their mind. Their imagination is often is rich and deep from lifelong emotional experiences that move their inner self. For individuals with a Scorpio Moon, strong memories are intensely drawn upon which become the foundation and inspiration for creative endeavors. They pour emotion and passion into creativity as it’s a way for them to express the highs and lows of their emotional experience. Often times their imaginative creations can have a darker, intense, and more “real” nature to them. For these natives, creating art using their imagination is a productive way to express their soul without feeling judged on. A Scorpio Moon can be very private with their creative imaginations and tend to hold on to them for long periods of time before releasing them; if at all. 


Scorpio Moon


Extreme Emotional Reactions of a Scorpio Moon

For the Scorpio Moon, being ruled by the watery nature of Scorpio makes their emotions sensitive yet very deep. Any form of pain or suffering can be held onto for a very long time. Anger for these individuals can often be turned inward when facing difficulties on an emotional level. In the deepest parts of the Scorpio Moon, there is great belief they should have power over all their emotional situations. When situations are out of their control they can feel like they have no power which can cause deep inner sadness.

The inner emotional world of a Scorpio Moon goes through ups and downs because their mind is always dealing with intense deep reactions to external stimuli. Emotions can come through waves alternating extreme polarities that can seem unpredictable and even overwhelming. Their inner emotional world can become imbalanced when something threatens or perceives to disturb their sense of security that is so very hard to come by. They are also prone to be paranoid about situations that may break their inner emotional stability. 

With a Scorpio Moon, emotional responses never lie in the middle but rather tend to go to black-or-white extremes. Their mind gravitates towards either liking something or hating it; resting on one side of the spectrum or the other. Instinctive reactions can easily get swept away by their inner imagination which can be tilted toward fears of loss of control. For the Scorpio Moon, inner thoughts and emotions can be their worst enemy, which often results in approaching the world in a timid and fearful way. 

The Scorpio Moon as a Driven Healer

The Scorpio Moon’s mind is always working on исцеление or coping mechanisms due to the fact their emotions can be subject to such great waves of experiencing pain. Since their mind likes to dig deep, they can be interested in alternative healing techniques for ways to seek the emotional balance they strive for. Deep inner introspection and meditation are one way in which they can connect with their inner feelings and understand what they need to feel emotionally secure.

Once a Scorpio Moon has made a connection within on how to feel safe, they can help others in the same way. Since Mars rules their emotions, a Scorpio Moon individual is naturally gifted in dealing with intense situations that others struggle with. They can keep personal emotions under control when facing emergency or upheaval scenarios when dealing with the crisis another is facing. 

Emotional Wellness for the Scorpio Moon

For the Scorpio Moon individual, emotional wellness comes through having control, stability, and dependability in their life. These needs are born and rooted in a dislike of change due to the fixed nature of their mind that needs stability for overall peace of mind.  An unbalanced Scorpio Moon is prone to live in a fear-based base mindset which can bring a very negative perception toward life. One where they can be internally negative and brooding, always expecting the worst in every situation. By living in a fear-based mindset, they experience difficulties manifesting positive outcomes. Their pursuit of emotional wellness comes through making a close intimate connection with another to feel safe with.

A Scorpio Moon’s best emotional wellness comes through the safety and dependability of intimate love отношения. They are prone to aggressively pursue ways to feel complete and satisfy their need for passion and intimacy. The Mars nature of the Scorpio Moon likes to dive in and engage intensely with someone and show great loyalty and passion towards them. Intimacy is important to them because a Scorpio Moon prefers to express their emotions and thoughts to only the right partner. They need to feel safety, loyalty, and devotion, in order to open up and let their inner world flow outward. 

Protective Instincts of a Scorpio Moon

With a Scorpio Moon, happiness comes in life from having something to fight to protect. These individuals will fight to the extremes to protect loved ones and will ensure that people in their life who are valued are protected from harm. People can be viewed as possessions that need to be kept close and protected from being taken away. For this reason, the Scorpio Moon individual can be motivated to fight to the death to keep what is cherished by them as their own possession. This behavior can stretch far beyond people but apply to all things that are loved or considered sacred. 


Moon in Scorpio


Scorpio Moon’s Dark Controlling Tactics

Since fear can rule the mind of a Scorpio Moon it can lead to dark controlling tactics to protect things that are valued or considered sacred. They can believe the only way to ensure things are kept close is by making sure they have power or control over them. They may experience an impulsive emotional need to keep attachments close by and keep loved ones hidden away. Issues can form with jealousy as it triggers their fear of imminent loss. When feeling threatened, the Scorpio Moon can react without hesitation and take revenge on what infringes upon their territory. In their mindset, anything can be done to take back what is rightfully felt as their own. Fights and battles can be common occurrences to keep all that is cherished under their power. 

The Ideal Partner to Emotionally Support a Scorpio Moon

A Scorpio Moon likes to seek a partner who is stable and dependable. Their emotions feel balanced when their partner can be depended on. The Scorpio Moon loves a partner who is stable emotionally with steady or fixed thoughts. This dynamic helps balance out the inner intensity the Scorpio Moon deals with on an ongoing basis. Having a stable partner, the Scorpio Moon feels a sense of security that they won’t be abandoned when times get tough. This makes the Scorpio Moon feel safe and secure which can help them open up and not feel so much anxiety or paranoia. They can actually be more creative in a positive light when not always feeling like they are drowning in emotions. Their imagination can flourish simply by feeling safe and having that stable foundation they lack being alone. 

A Scorpio Moon also prefers a partner that can balance their life and bring income to their financial interests. Their ideal partner is good at working to make money, but also saving it and adding it to a nest egg. This saved money can help in attaining loans, depleting debts more efficiently, or used for investments in which the Scorpio Moon’s mind is talented. Their partner should be one that wants to contribute to a comfortable home that feels safe and secure. Together the Scorpio Moon and partner can combine their resources making living life easier.

The Scorpio Moon also finds balance and happiness in someone who likes sex for sensual and pleasurable reasons. These individuals love seeking a partner who is loyal and wants only one intimate partner for themselves. Sexual release for a Scorpio Moon helps them feel intimately close to someone and secure. Having someone committed to sexual enjoyment gives them the safety and happiness they need to feel balanced within. 

Early Experience & Perception of the Mother for a Scorpio Moon

The Moon in astrology rules over the experience of the mother or nurturing parent, and the perception one may have of her. For the individual with a Scorpio Moon, their mother figure was emotional, dark, and mysterious in her character. She may have been private, cautious, and quite defensive in her reactions. This nurturing parent was great at understanding emotions. She was intuitive about them and had great insights into feelings. It was hard to get half-truths or lies past her.

For the Scorpio Moon, their mother’s personality was experienced as being direct, exacting, powerful, and quite intense. Determination and strategic thinking embodied her character. She may have been one to go to extremes and was daring and fearless. Over her lifetime she was perceived to go through many changes and transformations.

She may have also been seen as very stubborn and immovable. Getting her to change her ways may have been hard. Her character may have embroidered strong emotional reactions which may have been overbearing. When she felt threatened she was perceived to be combative and confrontational. She may have reacted to situations by trying to be controlling and manipulative to ensure her will had influence.


Scorpio Moon


Aspecting influence for a Scorpio Moon

When a Scorpio Moon aspects other planets, the Scorpio energy is transmitted subconsciously or through intense emotion to affect the function symbolized by the aspected planet. Issues that are likely to arise with respect to the aspected function typically involve control and security. This may be helpful or problematic, depending on the particular aspect involved.   

Aspected influence for a Scorpio Moon

When Scorpio Moon is aspected by outer planets, your emotions, behavior, and family relationships are likely to be affected, particularly with respect to transformations and questions of power. Depending upon the aspecting planet and the aspect, the qualities expressed by the Scorpio Moon may be affected positively or negatively. 

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