Scorpio Sun with Virgo Moon and Pisces Rising

Sun in Scorpio with Moon in Virgo and Pisces Rising Personality Traits:

Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon Pisces Rising
Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon Pisces Rising

The Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon combination gives you the depth, insight, and perception of Scorpio along with the realism and analytical abilities of Virgo. You are quiet, soft-spoken, and very intense, and little slips past your acute perception. Your sensitivity enables you to perceive things that others can’t or won’t.

Analytical, probing, and discriminating, having a Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, you are a natural detective, and the conclusions you form about life can be startlingly accurate. No one can say that you don’t know your own mind because you have very strong opinions and beliefs. Although reserved and seemingly detached, you actually long to express your views and opinions.

With a Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, you may be a little too aware of the world around you. As with all Moon in Virgo individuals, you strive for perfection in yourself and in everyone else. If things aren’t what they’re cracked up to be, you run the danger of becoming hypercritical; content to be a faultfinder, but doing little or nothing to help. Or you may turn your fault-finding skills inward, subjecting yourself to endless rounds of self-examination and disapproval.

As an individual with a Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, you must learn self-acceptance if you hope to apply your remarkable talents. Charity begins at home, so start appreciating yourself. The world cannot and will not always conform to your vision or your high standards, so relax now and then and just enjoy life for what it is—rather than what you feel it ought to be. Watch that tendency to preach and moralize! Your Virgo Moon gives you a highly ethical and sometimes self-righteous attitude.

Having a Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon, like your fellow Scorpios, you are quite magnetic and people somehow understand you know a great deal. You are also determined and ambitious. Work is your fulfillment, and you probably feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility. Just make sure you leave enough free time for leisure. Intellectual pursuits are ideal for the Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon individual— provided you don’t shut yourself up in an ivory tower. Your talents are well suited for investigative reporting, detective work, and scientific endeavors.

Like all Scorpios, you want an active sex life. But in your youth, you may have acquired more than a few inhibitions. Virgo’s reserve and Puritanism can impair the full expression of your very sensual nature. In love, you are a consistent, loyal, and devoted mate, and you have the rare ability of being able to balance the give-and-take aspect of a отношения.

Keywords For A Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon:

Passion and piety; Martha and Mary; constructive imagination;  romantic but practical; hard-working; quiet dedication; clarity; conscientious; simplicity; biting criticism; relentless perfectionism; powers of analysis; organizing ability; intensely loyal; witty and satirical.

Pisces Rising

If you were born with Pisces Rising, you carry within yourself a strong artistic gift that must sooner or later find expression. You have an active fantasy life and a pronounced romantic outlook. You want life to be perfect and since it isn’t, you choose not to see what you don’t want to see.

Down deep, many Pisces Rising individuals believe that they alone are destined to suffer disillusionment in life; sometimes others sense this secret sorrow in you. Often you feel you were born at the wrong time in the wrong place, and you are strongly drawn to the past.

Basically, with Pisces Rising, you have a dauntless goodwill toward others. You tend to be very sociable, fond of entertaining, and enjoy the warmth of companionship. You love the good life—fine food and drink especially, beautiful clothes, and travel. At parties Pisces Rising individuals are vivacious and verbal (sometimes you talk too much); you enjoy performing in front of a group. A talent for mimicry makes many with Pisces Rising turn to the theater.

For the individual with Pisces Rising, the word sentimental comes to mind when describing you. Your tender feelings are easily moved by sad stories, lost animals, and unhappy human beings. Your personality is also changeable, at times moody and distressed. Worry and imagined fears overtake and sometimes overcome you.

Having Pisces Rising, in your private life you tend to be disorganized, a bit careless, the kind who is forever losing or misplacing belongings. In work, however, you are knowledgeable and creative and can be quite disciplined when working within a group, especially in artistic projects. You are also successful in occupations that involve writing and travel.

Many Pisces Rising individuals frequently change their residence. It often happens with Pisces Rising that a person who was an adversary in early years becomes a valuable friend later on. You may sometimes have trouble with a first marriage because of in-laws and relatives. With Pisces Rising you are probably fond of children; your own children usually bring you pride and happiness.

If you have Pisces Rising, you tend to have large, luminous eyes and a sensuous mouth. You are likely to have wavy hair and well-shaped feet.

The planet Neptune, which rules Pisces, is very prominent in your birth chart. The influence of Neptune bestows compassion, sensitivity, keen intuition, imagination, creativity, and an interest in spiritual things and the occult. It also encourages confusion, indecisiveness, worry, vagueness, carelessness, and self-deception.

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