Venus in Capricorn in the Seventh House
The placement of Venus in Capricorn indicates that you have a need for practicality in your отношения and your value system. This often manifests as an inherent need to measure your relationship(s) against a set of explicit or implicit goals. With Venus in Capricorn, your values tend to be pragmatic and utilitarian, since these, too, are affected by the goal-orientedness associated with Capricorn. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Capricorn are a result of your need for accomplishment and feeling successful in your relationships and in the outcomes that are the result of your value system.
Venus’ placement in Capricorn is complex, as symbolized by the natural square between Capricorn and Venus-ruled Libra in combination with the natural trine between Capricorn and Taurus, which is also ruled by Venus. Capricorn is the Cardinal Earth sign. The Saturnian earth nature of Capricorn symbolically restricts and inhibits the flowing social energy associated with Venus. It also tends to rigidify the fluidity necessary for the carrying out of the evaluative functions symbolized by Venus. However, the stability that the Capricorn energy brings is beneficial to those functions associated with Venus. Because Capricorn has a more natural affinity with the Taurus energy than with Libra, the value-forming and appreciating functions symbolized by Venus tend to be more pronounced in your psyche and personality than is the case for most people, while the отношения function is expressed with more difficulty.
Venus also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Capricorn, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Capricorn. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Capricorn-associated traits.
Неуверенность в себе
Having Venus in Capricorn, if you are insecure in yourself, you will usually fear that you will be unsuccessful in your relationship(s). In trying to protect yourself from failure, your inclination is toward the cautious and safe approach. With Venus in Capricorn, you have an inherent lack of sensitivity and understanding of the emotional and intangible aspects of personal relationships. Nor are you willing to risk failure by trying to develop emotional depth in your relationship(s). You, therefore are inclined to treat others exclusively on the practical and objective level with which you are familiar. At the extreme, you withdraw from close relationships altogether. Thus, your relationships and your entire value system become sterile and dry.
Венера в 7-м доме:
Venus rules the 7th House and this placement gives it a favored position. Particularly the relationship function of Venus achieves an easy expression here. With Venus in the 7th House, you are likely to possess highly developed relationship skills. At the least, your relations with others will be of utmost importance to you. You not only place a high value on interpersonal relationships, but your entire value system tends to be people-oriented. Having Venus in the 7th House, you tend to evaluate whether a thing is pleasing or displeasing according to its effect on the quality of your relationships. This may cause you, at times, to lay too much emphasis on the opinions of others, deferring to their preferences for the sake of interpersonal harmony.
Неуверенность в себе
Если у человека с Венерой в 7-м доме чувство собственного достоинства неуверенно, вы будете строить отношения в зависимом режиме. Вас будет тянуть к межличностным отношениям настолько сильно, что вы не сможете представить себе существование или личность отдельно от отношений. Вы почти перестанете существовать как личность. С Венерой в 7-м доме отношения становятся просто костылем для вашей собственной неуверенности. Ваш партнер становится заменителем вашей собственной подлинности. Вы полностью живете в рамках отношений, и если отношениям угрожает опасность, вы чувствуете угрозу катастрофы, потому что без партнера от вас ничего не останется.
Фокус оценки
Благодаря Венере в 7-м доме ваша оценочная способность сосредоточена на сфере межличностных отношений. То, как вещи и события влияют на отношения, в которые вы вовлечены, становится для вас решающим фактором оценки. Вы также склонны оценивать, как действия других людей повлияют на вас. Вы также склонны более активно выносить суждения о людях и отношениях, чем о других вещах. С Венерой в 7-м доме вас могут считать проницательным судьей людей или же вы можете стать слишком критичным и осуждающим других.
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Статья цитируется по:
Гаргатолил, Глубинная астрология: Астрологический справочник - Том 2: Планеты в знаках
Гаргатолил, Глубинная астрология: Астрологический справочник - Том 3: Планеты в домах
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