The Meaning of the Number 1

One is the beginning – the very first of all numbers.

The 1 can be recognized in almost any written language, even when all the other single digits are written very differently. Numerologists recognize the number 1 to be masculine in character and it represents the traditionally masculine traits, such as ambition, confidence, and bravery (though it’s important to note there is no gender bias in numerology).

1 is the Ultimate Number of Creativity

The ancient philosophers believed that the number one – or as they called it, the monad –  “breathes in the void and creates all subsequent numbers” (here’s one for the mathematicians: 111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321)!

The number 1 is a symbol of unity and oneness. Its’ geometry – the circle – is the origin of all other shapes that are the building blocks of our universe. Without the number 1, nothing else can follow.

But the number 1 also stands out because of its boldness, its uniqueness and pioneering, independent nature. The 1 leads, and it’s closely connected to the ego and the self.

The Number 1 in Numerology: The Leader

In Numerology, it’s recognized that the number 1 is ambitious, bold and powerful.

People with this number in their Numerology charts – as the Life Path Number, Destiny (Expression) Number or Soul Urge Number often have a fierce, driving willpower that’s unmatched! And the unceasing desire to “come first”. A person living through this vibration is motivated and goal oriented, and will in all likelihood have a personality well suited to management and leadership. This number rarely has a problem with self-expression and is self-reliant and strong.

Because the number 1 is so enterprising, determined and creative, people with this number in their charts often lives that are pioneering in some way or another. It’s a number suited to risk-taking, breaking new ground and taking leaps of faith, and it seems to hold a relentless “can-do” attitude that instills confidence and trust in others.

It’s likely that people who carry this vibration in their lives stopped having to “prove themselves” a long time ago. People simply listen to them, and do what they say. They have an authority which is very often unquestioned.

Shadow Traits of the Number 1

When under stress, the “me first” attitude of the number one can emerge as arrogance or a lack of concern for others’ feelings. Its constant desire to move forward can cause negative issues in отношения, especially if this leads a person to make foolish, indiscreet and knee-jerk mistakes. The wild spontaneity of the number 1 isn’t always a good thing!

As the 1 is closely connected to ego,  those with an abundance of this number in their charts must learn to temper their most self-centered urges and show sensitivity and understanding to others.

Keeping momentum can be a problem for this number. Usually, if problems arise for people whose personality is influenced by this number, it’s easier for them to start over again from “square one” than to try and patch up what went wrong.

The independence of this number also risks tipping over into isolating tendencies. The number 1 person must be sure to keep a social balance in their lives, lest too much time on their own leads to self-doubt and negative talk.