Мидхевен Водолея: ваш успех и реализация

If you have your Midheaven in Aquarius, you need a career that allows you freedom and that brings out your originality.

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Середина неба Водолея

Создавая успех

Aquarius Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they link with peers who are dedicated to the same ideals and life goals as they are. Their profession is satisfying when it reflects their aim to offer a unique gift to humankind, one that will benefit everyone. In the workplace, when they take “fairness to all” as their guiding principle, they will achieve success.

For the Aquarius Midheaven, in every area of their life – profession, finances, and отношения – when they focus on the “big picture” of what others want and need, they are empowered to work with them in ways that further others’ life goals as well as their own. And, since their planning has taken the other person’s passions into account, others will more readily cooperate with them to create mutual success.

This can be scary at first because Aquarius Midheaven people are so attuned to the drama of creatively expressing themselves – solo! They derive a sense of safety and belonging from their own passionate energy, and equate this with personal survival. Yet when the Aquarius Midheaven individual adopts a dispassionate point of view and factor the input of others into their aims, their chances of success soar, since they will then have a perspective wide enough to understand how to create a win-win outcome for everyone.

Happiness enters every area of Aquarius Midheaven’s life where, with friendship and unbiased awareness, they take into account the life-dreams of others. This objective awareness of their needs will empower them to link with people who share their aims. When all involved are moving toward one innately shared goal, they can fully reside in the feeling of being in charge of their own destiny.

Их ахиллесова пята

Aquarius Midheaven people restrict themselves to only a small number of intimates, fearing that by reaching further they might lose the dependability of at least these few reliable sources of love. This stance is a survival tool they developed in childhood that no longer serves them in adult life. It leads to the unhappiness – and insecurity – of not finding the caliber of loyalty in others that they are seeking.

For the Aquarius Midheaven, indulging in dramatic emotional displays that force others to “prove” their allegiance and loyalty by giving them their way can lead instead to self-isolation; no one wants to get close enough to be “blown away” by the intensity of their drama. Aquarius Midheaven individuals can alienate others with unreasonable personal demands, then wonder why no one measures up to their standards of loyalty or love. This process leads to the unhappiness of feeling unable to move beyond personal drama into a real and satisfying experience of truly loving.


Happiness enters into every area of the Aquarius Midheaven’s life when they release unrealistic expectations about romantic love and their demands for personal acceptance and importance, and aim instead for an objective perception of human nature. Wherever Aquarius Midheaven upholds standards of unbiased awareness, ensuring an unwavering flow of love, the larger meaning will be intuitively revealed, and the path to successful action through cooperation with others made clear.

Aquarius Midheaven individuals achieve success in those relationships which they approach objectively, accepting others as equals able to do their unique part in furthering shared life dreams. When they truly dedicate themselves to humanitarian rather than personal aims, discarding ego’s demands for attention and concentrating instead on the accomplishment of group aims, they will attract to themselves peers of similar ideals and open themselves to the joys of participating equally in a team effort.

There is a thrill in recognizing other people’s abilities to contribute. By acknowledging their talents, Aquarius Midheaven experiences – as a byproduct, rather than by conscious design – the personal recognition they have always sought. As they expand their foundation of love to encompass love for all their fellow beings, they create sufficient freedom in their emotional system to attract a отношения that supports them.

The challenge for Aquarius Midheaven’s is to exorcise their unrealistic standards of loyalty from their personal relationships and seek instead to expand and fulfill their own highest ideals of loving. By viewing others from a base of understanding, tolerance, and compassion, they will experience the joys of emotional stability and a consistent flow of love.

Их "домашняя база

Aquarius Midheaven individual’s early environmental conditioning was in many ways on the dramatic side! While the drama was often rather unpleasant and far from reassuring to a child, as a result of what they experienced they developed a strong will, tremendous self-confidence, and a sense of personal strength.

The Aquarius Midheaven developed survival tools that included perfecting their innate abilities to give love to others and to entertain, and calling upon those abilities frequently. Thus in their adult life they are quite comfortable in taking the stage and being the center of attention in their family group.

Удачный выбор профессии

Aquarius Midheaven people are happiest in careers that allow them to work with others in a group environment. They seek a sense of equality in their professional life, to know that everyone is on the same page and working for the same goals.

Unconventional professions appeal to Aquarius Midheaven’s. They want a career that gives them a chance to be inventive. They definitely need to be in a profession where they can march to the beat of their own drummer. Friendship is part of the picture, and accomplishing group aims inspires them to take charge and achieve success. Aquarius Midheaven’s will be happiest in a position that gives them plenty of freedom, and support for their innovative ideas and participation in a way that promotes their belief in the equality of humankind.

For the Aquarius Midheaven, self-contentment is assured when they allow the world to see them as a humanitarian – their consistently loving, humorous, friendly self. Success is theirs in any situation which they approach as an original thinker, with a loving understanding of human nature and tolerance for the foibles of others. When the Aquarius Midheaven takes charge, foregoing the demands of ego and acting for the good of the whole – especially in the service of an ideal – their reward is a feeling of being in control of their own destiny.

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