Gemini Man

Gemini is the third zodiac sign of the astrological calendar. Many qualities of a Gemini man are unique to this sign, he is appealing, quick witted, rational, enthusiastic, captivating, loving and broad minded. As a friend, he would be close to just a few but will prove to be the life of every party and social gatherings. He likes to take on challenges and prefers an adventurous life with his friends. A Gemini man is a very passionate lover even though he is not an emotional person. He may tend towards being flirty, although once he has committed; he will try to put life into the love отношения in any way possible. He will try to make sure all wishes of his soul mate are fulfilled. Being a hater of monotony he will attempt to discover exciting new things for himself and his partner to enjoy.

In the workplace, a Gemini man works best in groups as he tends to brainstorm and gather opinions of many before taking vital decisions. He can also deal with emergencies very quickly as he has a tendency of thinking spontaneously. Males from this sign love, and are good at, multi-tasking, but do not like stagnant work. A Gemini male tends to get nervous very quickly, he can be superficial and very inconsistent in his behavior. In extreme situations, he may get cunning in his thoughts. His casual behavior and attitude towards serious things can be quite a turn off for many.

Since he hates monotony and is always hunting for a change, he may not stick to plans made by his work mates or friends. This can result in minor tiffs which affect his companions although not himself. Gemini’s also love to gossip and this may sometimes be a reason their friends to get angry. A Gemini male is flirtatious in nature. This quality can create trouble in his love relationship with his partner. His urge for change in life may lead to many short-term partnerships. He may behave very moody at times which may take a toll on his other half.

Gemini men are enthusiastic, open-minded, quick-witted, and appealing. He loves and embraces change, causing him to move from one thing to the next. Because of their need for variety in life every now and then, they find it difficult to sustain a stagnant job.

The Gemini man is not emotional by nature, but he is quite a passionate lover. He may come across as flirty, but once a relationship with him is cemented, he honors his commitment and will put his best into it. The Gemini man wants to make sure that he is making his partner happy. But because he still craves for change, he will try to discover new things for himself, his partner, and the relationship.

He’s the world’s best date—quick-witted, charming, interested in his companion, generous, and imaginative about places to go and things to see. A date with him is like an entertainment that never ends. Women are drawn like moths to the bright flame of his vivacity, his zest for living. And like moths, women flare briefly in his life and are gone. It won’t do any good to try to pin him down. See that bright flash of color in the garden? It’s a living butterfly, not a specimen in a case. Enjoy it while you can; its stay will be brief.

This Ртуть ruled man loves women, which is one of his secrets of success with them. The Gemini man is genuinely interested in what women have to say, how their minds work, what he can learn from them. But he also needs his minimum daily requirement of fun, and when the fun leaves a relationship so does he. Just as a woman begins to take him seriously he vanishes in a puff of smoke.

The truth is that the Gemini male is made uneasy by too much emotion, by a woman who takes love too seriously. He thinks sex is fascinating because it continually renews itself; but love is terminal. Curiously, though, many Gemini men tend to get involved with intense, emotional women. (Of course, they don’t usually stay involved.) Something about women who live on a dramatic level, who really feel emotions and express them, intrigues and fascinates Gemini. It’s as if through them he hopes to uncover a new facet in himself.

If you ask him why he flits from one female to another, he’ll tell you it’s because he’s searching for his own identity, or the perfect love, or some elusive goal of perfection. He was born under the sign of the Twins, and in a way he is looking for his astral twin, the spiritual soul mate who will complete his nature and put an end to his duality.

It’s all too easy for you to fall into this man’s silken web. He’s a past master at the art of seduction. Many a woman has begun a friendly relationship with a nice, seemingly unaggressive, intellectual Gemini, only to find herself in bed with him—and not quite sure how she got there. A variation of this approach is when he seems not to be interested, or is acting cool and indifferent, or is even pursuing someone else for a time. Then when you try making an effort to attract him, it’s too late. He’s slipped the halter around your neck.

As a lover he has imagination, assurance, and flair, but he may not seem fully committed. His attention is always partly occupied elsewhere. A romance will prove intriguing and exciting but may not survive the rough spots. The initial glow rubs off, the flame starts to sputter. No regrets, though, when smoke gets in your eyes. He’s been fascinating to know.