Neptune in the Signs

Neptune in Aries (1861/62–1874/75)

To Овен, the sign of active energy, Neptune brings a reforming spirit and high ideals. Neptune-Ariens favor new methods in politics, medicine, and science that will better the lot of mankind. They are idealists and revolutionaries. When Neptune was last in Aries, it was a time of upheaval. Darwin’s theory of evolution shook long-established concepts about man’s history. The American Civil War was fought for the ideal of equality among human beings. During this era the Red Cross was established, with its emphasis on caring for the sick and needy; the Theosophical Society was founded, which renewed popular interest in philosophy and spiritualism. Neptune-in-Aries bestows a vivid imagination, and natives get true hunches about the future.

Neptune in Taurus (1874/75–1887/89)

Neptune in the materialistic sign of Таурус brings a deeper awareness of what is truly valuable in life. Neptune-Taureans are attracted to artistic and spiritual quests; many possess psychic ability. These people are able to make practical use of (and sometimes profit from) their interest in mysticism. When Neptune was last in Taurus we had the great expansion of American industrialism and along with it a revival of interest in mysticism and the occult. During this era the writings of Karl Marx gave rise to a new idealism about the distribution of wealth. On a personal level, Neptune in this position favors an unusual source of income. Love and marriage bring happiness and inner wisdom. However, there is danger of financial loss through deception or fraud.

Neptune in Gemini (1887/89–1901/02)

In Gemini, Neptune bestows mental genius, imagination, and creativity. Neptune-Geminis have a magnetic ability to express themselves, a hypnotic way of communicating. Many create a lasting impression on the public. Neptune in this position gives inspiration for new inventions in science and mechanics. When Neptune was last in Gemini, Henry Ford perfected the automobile and the Wright brothers built a prototype of the first airplane (Gemini rules both transportation and the air). In science the first experiments in relativity laid the groundwork for Albert Einstein’s epochal theory. On a personal level, Neptune-Geminis are resourceful, versatile, and perceptive. They have a tendency to attract unusual friends and to have impractical ideas.

Neptune in Cancer (1901/02–1914/16)

In the emotional sign of Cancer, Neptune’s influence gives a psychic, spiritual, and idealistic quality. Neptune-Cancerians are sensitive and compassionate. They tend to hold home and family in high regard and believe in old-fashioned values. However, Neptune also brings a striving for change and innovation to make the world a better place. When Neptune was last in Cancer, the American movement of social protest was part of a change affecting Western civilization. Also, while Neptune transited this sign of imaginative depths, Sigmund Freud explored the unconscious and Carl Jung formulated his theory of a collective unconscious. On a personal level, Neptune in this position promotes a love of luxury. At some point in their lives, Neptune-Cancerians are likely to experience an unusual or strange occurrence in their home or with relatives.

Neptune in Leo (1914/15–1928/29)

In the noble sign of Leo, Neptune confers great courage and ability for leadership. Neptune-Leos are generous, dignified, and ambitious. They have high aspirations and the force to make their dreams a reality. Many of the world’s heads of states and political leaders dedicated to a cause were born with Neptune in Leo (e.g., John and Robert Kennedy). Leo is also the sign of drama, and during Neptune’s transit of Leo we saw the rise of the motion picture industry to dominance in the field of entertainment. The decade of the Twenties saw the radio become an everyday source of entertainment. This was also the flamboyant era of the Roaring Twenties (Leo is the sign of showy ostentation). On a personal level, with Neptune in this position there is a tendency for its natives to be egotistical and quite sensual.

Neptune in Virgo (1928/29–1942/43)

The spiritual planet Neptune in the practical sign of Virgo gives a strong instinct for service to mankind. Neptune-Virgos are discontent with the status quo, critical of accepted conventions. Many of those born when Neptune was in Virgo—the tumultuous years of the Great Depression and the onset of World War Two—have in our day become active in civil rights, the women’s movement, and environmental concerns. When Neptune transited Virgo, the sign of health, treatment of disease with penicillin became widespread and chemotherapy was introduced. On a personal level, Neptune-Virgos possess clairvoyance and psychic ability in which they should put more faith. Neptune in this position sometimes shows a tendency to be hypercritical and confused in thinking.

Neptune in Libra (1942/43–1955/57)

Neptune in the romantic sign of Libra emphasizes idealism and love. Those born while Neptune transited Libra have been called the love generation. Neptune-Librans seek harmony and balance, and are deeply bothered by injustice in the world. Many of the people who were born during the early years of Neptune’s journey through Libra became active in the antiwar movement of the 1960s. Neptune-Librans strongly believe in the concepts of brotherly love and resistance to inequity. While Neptune transited this sign of peace the United Nations was founded. Libra is also the sign of partnership and marriage; this era brought a new questioning of the values of marriage, with a resultant rise in divorce and search for happiness in love. On a personal level, Neptune in this position produces a magnetic attraction to the opposite sex, and at times a lack of willpower and determination.

Neptune in Scorpio (1955/57–1970)

In the powerful sign of Scorpio, Neptune’s influence is shown in depth and intensity of feeling. Neptune-Scorpios are drawn to what is hidden from public view and want to uncover the truth. In years to come, this generation will continue to fight for more open government and to rectify the probable secret damage done to our environment by ruthless profit seekers. Neptune-Scorpios have a true capacity for innovation and invention and are attracted to science, medicine, and genetics. While Neptune traveled through this sign of sex and mysticism, there was a breakdown of sexual taboos in society and a revival of interest in the supernatural. On a personal level, in this sign of spiritual regeneration Neptune brings an extraordinary psychic awareness and interest in the occult.

Neptune in Sagittarius (1970–1984)

In the altruistic sign of Sagittarius, Neptune has an uplifting influence. Astrologers put great store in the generation born when Neptune was in this sign, for Sagittarius is the sign of higher learning, philosophy, and freedom. Neptune-Sagittarians have fine intellects, high purpose, and humane natures, and as these young people reach their adult years we look forward to new philosophers, sages, and humanistic leaders. Neptune in this position brings a desire for liberty and truth, and a visionary outlook. Neptune-Sagittarians will play an important role in improving living conditions in the Third World countries and in discovering new advances in medicine and science. While Neptune transited this sign of travel and expansion, more people had access to foreign cultures through travel, research, and the World Wide Web.

Neptune in Capricorn (1984/85–1998)

In the disciplined sign of Capricorn, Neptune’s power is practical and concrete. Neptune-Capricorns are destined to be thorough and painstaking and to possess great courage once they are committed to a purpose. The generation born during Neptune’s transit through Capricorn will make use of the inspirational ideas of the previous generation, particularly in science, chemistry, and medicine. Neptune in this position gives creative insight into the things of the earth—water, timber, natural resources, oil, and minerals—and these people will find a way not only to use them efficiently but also to conserve and replenish the gifts of the earth.

Neptune in Aquarius (1998–2012)

In the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, Neptune’s power brings high ideals and social justice. Neptune-Aquarians are concerned about the welfare of others less fortunate. This generation will have visionary concepts that they put into practice. As revolutionaries, they will not tear down and destroy; rather, they will build for a grand future. Neptune in this position has been called by astrologers “the flame of conscience.” The generation born during Neptune’s transit of Aquarius will be the authors of unusual and undreamed-of discoveries to aid mankind.

Neptune in Pisces (2012–2026)

In Pisces, Neptune will be the sign it rules, and therefore its qualities of духовность and creative genius will be enhanced for those born in this era. Neptune-Pisceans will be deep thinkers with a profound understanding of the meaning of life. Their compassion will be complemented by intense psychic powers. Astrologers believe that this generation, born when Neptune next transits Pisces, may usher in the ultimate period of self-realization. Their ascendancy will help to bring peace and tranquility to the world. Neptune in this position does not value materialism, so Neptune-Pisceans no doubt will explore the inner man and woman, and develop a new philosophy based on what they find.