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Мидхевен Девы: ваш успех и реализация

If you have a Midheaven in Virgo, careers that offer stability and practicality are a priority.Creating SuccessVirgo Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they focus on their intended goal and carefully plan how they will get there. Analyzing the details of a situation, making a realistic time schedule, and sticking to their routine no matter […]

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Мидхевен Льва: ваш успех и реализация

If your Midheaven is in Leo, you need to be a leader, to be seen, and to shine in your authenticity.Creating SuccessLeo Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they allow themselves to become fully involved in creating results that are important to them. This process includes listening to other people’s responses. When they are not

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Мидхевен Рака: ваш успех и реализация

If you have your Midheaven in Cancer, you need a career that allows you to use your intuition and your ability to care for others.Creating SuccessCancer Midheaven individuals achieve successful outcomes when they express themselves with an awareness of others’ feelings. They feel empowered by a position of caring about other people. Their concern for

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Мидхевен Близнецов: ваш успех и реализация

With a Midheaven in Gemini you need variety, freedom of expression, and mental challenges in your career.Creating SuccessGemini Midheaven individuals achieve success when they keep on talking. They are recognized by freely sharing their thoughts and ideas, as well as being open to the opinions of others. Self-censorship can be replaced by the honest sharing of

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Мидхевен Тельца: ваш успех и реализация

With a Midheaven in Taurus, you need security and a sense of direction in your career.Creating SuccessTaurus Midheaven individuals achieve success when they openly express their own values. Their career needs to reflect those values, perhaps by building something that furthers what they feel is a worthy principle. Whatever their chosen profession, as the Taurus

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Мидхевен Овна: ваш успех и самореализация

With a Midheaven in Aries, you need excitement, challenge, and action in your career.Creating SuccessAn individual with their Midheaven in Aries produces positive results when they are able to express their personal point of view. By revealing their preference on how they would like things to go, they create clarity for people by allowing them to

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