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Crystals for Intuition

Intuition comes from your third eye chakra, which is the center of insight. All humans are intuitive, but many of us have stopped listening to our intuition, relying solely on logic to make decisions. When we ignore our intuition, it tends to grow less active. In my experience, when I struggle between making a logical […]

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Crystals for Hope

Hope is necessary to keep humans moving forward. In the absence of hope, we lose the motivation to take action or improve our circumstances. Complete loss of hope can lead to despair or despondency. Sometimes it may feel difficult to keep hope alive. Fostering hope, even in dark times, can help pull you through. My

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Crystals for Achieving Goals

Setting and achieving goals is an important part of our path. Sometimes when we’re pursuing long-term goals, however, we get discouraged at how long it is taking and lose motivation. It’s important to remember that, while walking a straight line to a goal may seem ideal, sometimes the detours on the ways to our goals

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Crystals for Emotional Trauma

When you’ve experienced an emotional trauma, it may be difficult to regain your emotional footing. Emotional trauma can affect you long after the event has passed, causing post-traumatic stress that remains buried deeply in your subconscious, waiting to pop back into your conscious mind. Dealing with the trauma as quickly as possible can help you

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Crystals for Depression

Everyone feels a bit blue from time to time, but when that sadness persists, it may grow into chronic depression. Depression can affect your mind, body, and spirit, causing lingering physical pain and ennui that keeps you from living a vibrant, joyful, and productive life. If you are experiencing short-term or long-term depression, try these

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Crystals for Courage

Having courage doesn’t mean being unafraid. Rather, it means acting even in the face of fear. Some people require courage for small daily acts, while others require courage to make changes in their lives or face new situations. Regardless of why you need courage, finding the strength to act in ways that support your truth

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Crystals for Confidence

Confidence comes from your solar plexus chakra, where you foster your sense of personal identity and self-esteem. Integrity, a heart chakra issue, also plays a role in confidence, because it is difficult to be confident when you are not living and speaking your truth. To grow more confident, pay close attention to these two chakras,

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Crystals for Spiritual & Emotional Cleansing

Just as you need to bathe to cleanse your physical body, sometimes you may also feel in need of an emotional or spiritual cleansing. Using cleansing techniques can help remove any lingering negativity, leaving you feeling refreshed and renewed. Consider cleansing after periods of negativity, or if you’re just feeling that you need to refresh

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Crystals for Change & Acceptance

Many people find change difficult because they fear the unknown. They prefer to remain with something they know, even if it brings them pain or discomfort, rather than face an uncertain future. However, change is a necessary and natural part of life. The nature of the universe is constant change, and without it, we can’t

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Crystals for Anxiety

While it’s natural to feel anxious from time to time, persistent anxiety can keep you from living your best life. Living in a heightened state of anxiety can tax you physically and emotionally, taking a toll on your body, overworking your adrenal glands, and throwing your hormones out of balance. Anxiety may take many forms,

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Crystals for Abandonment

Feelings of abandonment may arise from the recent loss of a relationship, or they may stem from childhood loss. However a sense of abandonment comes about, it can leave you feeling lost, alone, and empty. Using the mantra to remind yourself that your true source of unconditional love lies within, while working with the crystal

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Cleansing, Charging, & Programming Your Crystals

Cleansing Your CrystalsDue to their energetic nature, crystals hold on to energy patterns with which they come in contact. By the time your crystals have made their way to you, they have been in many hands and places. This is why it is important to cleanse your crystals. I recommend cleansing them as soon as

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What are Crystal Grids?

Another way to amplify the power of crystals for healing is by using crystal grids. While using a single crystal is an effective way to modulate energy, using multiple crystals in a grid increases the power exponentially.What are Crystal GridsCrystal grids are a group of crystals placed in a geometric pattern in a chosen area,

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3 Crystals to Get Grounded Fast

What is Grounding?Grounding is the felt sense – of the current moment reality of your physical body in time and space.It means to not be lost in thoughts, feelings, or psychic experiences, and to be aware of the physical context you are in. If you are prone to feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed, or “floaty”, these

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5 Must Have Crystals

If you’re just beginning to use crystals, start with these 5 powerful and essential intention crystals for encouraging balance, harmony, and peace of mind.Clear Quartz and How to Use itOne of the most popular crystals for beginners, clear quartz. further amplifies your intention, which makes it a key component to a crystal collection. It is also

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