Что изменится в вашей жизни после возвращения Юпитера или Сатурна?

Your Jupiter and Saturn Return mark a specific milestone in your life, a significant time of change.

A planetary return in astrology is when the transiting planet returns to the precise position it was in at the moment of your birth.

When is Your Jupiter Return?

Approximately every 12 years, Jupiter completes one orbit around the sun and comes back to the same exact spot it was in when you were born.

For that reason, you’ll experience your Jupiter Return around the ages 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, etc.

Note that the exact ages may vary slightly because Jupiter moves quicker through some signs than others.

When is Your Saturn Return?

Saturn takes approximately 29.5 years to complete one orbit around the sun. That means everyone hits their first Saturn return between the ages of 27 and 30, another by age 59, and a third in your mid to late 80s.

What to Expect from Your Jupiter Return?

Jupiter is considered to be a lucky planet so it has often been assumed that a Jupiter Return is an extremely lucky and prosperous time, but there is a deeper side to this.

Your Jupiter return forces you to grow and expand your world. In order to receive all the luck and prosperity from the Universe, Jupiter often has to first create a pathway for growth. This pathway can sometimes involve the breaking down of old structures, beliefs, ideas, and thought patterns. It can also involve the breaking down of отношения, dreams, goals, and values.

Even though Jupiter is considered to be “lucky” its job is to encourage you to look at the big picture of your life. This means with a Jupiter Return there are usually painful growth pains that come first, things may not appear very lucky at first until you have been able to take into consideration the bigger picture of your жизненный путь.

You’ll begin a new 12-year cycle, which requires moving beyond the past

When you’re in the midst of your Jupiter return, you may feel like you’re beginning a whole new era of your life. And the truth is, you are. Whatever’s gone down over the past 12 years has come to a close, you might reflect and realize that your life is opening up to new opportunities for growth. Maybe you’re starting a new career path or отношения, or pursuing a passion project that will take years to complete. But in order to see the seeds that you’re planting during your Jupiter return fully flourish, you are asked to lay the past to rest.

Reflecting on past Jupiter returns will help you understand their significance, especially when it comes to unearthing wisdom, growth, or abundance.

What to Expect from Your Saturn Return?

Saturn is associated with responsibility, discipline, boundaries, structure, and maturity. During your Saturn Return, all of these areas of life will be put to the test. Saturn seeks to help you improve your life through (sometimes harsh) lessons and limitations.

Your Saturn Return is associated with major life changes, like switching jobs or careers, breakups, engagements, divorce, or relocations. Whatever challenges may arise are here to usher in the next phase of your life. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by personal issues and responsibilities during this period, but it’s also a time to learn from past mistakes and face these challenges head-on.

Saturn wants you to take responsibility for yourself and your life and to commit to both the things you have done and the things that you are going to do. If you are being held back in your life, your Saturn Return is definitely going to expose this. Of course, this is excellent in the long run, but in the short term, it can stir up a lot of anxiety and fears.

If you’re living your life in a way that’s inauthentic to you (such as staying in a toxic relationship or dead-end job), honor the voice inside your heart that’s screaming for change. Saturn will guide you to release and let go of all the things that are holding you back and will continue to expose them to you until you take charge and do something about it.

This is one of the best parts of a Saturn Return because if you welcome Saturn’s lessons, you will be able to clear away all of those things that are standing in your way of realizing your fullest potential. You’ll come out the other side with a new sense of empowerment, confidence, and trust in yourself.
