Марс в Овне в 9-м доме

Mars in Aries in the Ninth House

Mars in Aries in 9th House
Mars in Aries in 9th House

The placement of Mars in Овен indicates that you have a need to feel that you are being sufficiently assertive in pursuing your desires and taking action. At the base of this feeling is a need to validate your sense of selfhood by acting in the world and, thus, gaining tangible proof of your existence. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Mars in Aries are a result of this very strong will to act.

Mars is at home in Aries. This is symbolized by the rulership of Mars over Aries. Aries is the Cardinal Fire sign. The fiery, active energy of Aries symbolically stimulates the functions associated with Mars, bringing these functions into their element. While the Martian energy gains full expression in Aries, there is the danger, however, that you will over-indulgence those functions that are symbolized by Mars. This is symbolically represented by an overabundance of fire energy in this combination.

Mars also symbolizes the animus in the psyche. Thus, if you are male with Mars in Aries, you are likely to model your masculinity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Aries. If you are female, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Aries-associated traits.

Неуверенность в себе

With Mars in Aries, too insecure in your own selfhood to consider others, you forget all but your ego and its needs. Your desires and actions are selfish and ultimately destructive. Subconsciously fearing retribution for the “original sin” of ego (which is symbolically freshly born in Aries), you defend yourself against a hostile world by preemptively taking a “me-first” stand. This over-assertiveness, however, only masks the weakness of your insecure ego.

Mars in the 9th House:

Mars in the 9th House is compatible with Mars’ fiery nature, the 9th House being one of the fire houses. The outward focus and expansiveness of this house allows the action principle symbolized by Mars to freely assert itself.  This placement gives your desires and actions a direction and purpose – to experience and understand the world around you.

Having Mars in the 9th House, you are generally motivated to pursue what will broaden your horizons.  Your actions will tend to reflect your desire to experience life fully. You may also have a drive to integrate your experiences. Thus, you can often draw upon a wide range of knowledge to accomplish your goals. With Mars in the 9th House, you will usually act after taking into consideration the lessons of that you have derived from experience. Your depth of experience often makes you more willing to assert your will in a group or community situation

Неуверенность в себе

Insecurities of the Mars energy are most likely to manifest in the 9th House through overcompensating behavior. With Mars in the 9th House, your desire for outward expression must be satisfied but, if you are insecure about your assertiveness, you are likely to  attempt to hide your Insecurities by going overboard, especially in typical 9th House pursuits (athletics and sports, travel or showing off your “vast knowledge”).  You may aggressively promulgate religious or ideological doctrines. Or, you may throw yourself hedonistically into pursuing whatever experiences may come your way. Having Mars in the 9th House, you may also be susceptible to self-development fads. However, your activities do not lead to true growth and understanding and, instead of finding the purposefulness you may hope for, you find that there is an emptiness about your desires and activity.

Фокус желаний

As an individual with Mars in the 9th House, you are generally motivated by a desire for expanding your sphere of experience and understanding. Your desires may lead you to pursue higher education, a religious calling, travel or other broadening experiences, or on a quest for understanding.

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