Венера в Близнецах в 7-м доме

Venus in Gemini in the Seventh House

Venus in Gemini in 7th House
Venus in Gemini in 7th House

The placement of Venus in Gemini indicates that you have a need for flexibility and freedom, both within your отношения and in the way in which you formulate your value system. This sometimes manifests as an ambivalent attitude toward commitment. This placement also symbolizes an approach to those functions symbolized by Venus that is mental in nature. Much of the behavior and many of the personality characteristics associated with Venus in Gemini are a result of your need for freedom from restraint in relationships and in the operation of a value system, as well as the mental energy with which you engage these areas of life.

With Venus in Gemini, Gemini is the Mutable Air sign and here the Venusian energies symbolically become light and free in Gemini’s changeable air environment. However, this may not be conducive to building stable relationships and value systems. The basic harmony inherent in the Venus in Gemini placement is symbolized by the natural trine between Gemini and Venus-ruled Libra, while the tension is symbolized by the conflict between the free-moving air of Gemini and the stable and enduring qualities associated with Taurus, which is also ruled by Venus. With Venus in Gemini, the отношения functions symbolized by Venus tend to be more pronounced in your psyche and personality than is the case for most people.

Венера also symbolizes the anima in the psyche. Thus, if you are female with Venus in Gemini, you are likely to model your femininity in order to incorporate characteristics typically associated with Gemini. If you are male, you are likely to be attracted to someone who projects or embodies Gemini-associated traits.

Неуверенность в себе

Having Venus in Gemini, you need to feel a sense of freedom and you fear that the loss of your freedom will deprive you of a central value upon which you have based the validity of your selfhood. You are too insecure in your selfhood to give yourself away to another. Driven by a fear that commitment to a single relationship will fatally limit your freedom to bond with anyone at any time, with Venus in Gemini, you tend to stay aloof from all commitments as a defense mechanism and avoid depth in a relationship. If anyone asks you to commit to a relationship (or to a permanent set of values of any sort) or tries to become too deep and intimate with you, you are likely to feel threatened and push them away.

Венера в 7-м доме:

Venus rules the 7th House and this placement gives it a favored position. Particularly the relationship function of Venus achieves an easy expression here. With Venus in the 7th House, you are likely to possess highly developed relationship skills. At the least, your relations with others will be of utmost importance to you. You not only place a high value on interpersonal relationships, but your entire value system tends to be people-oriented. Having Venus in the 7th House, you tend to evaluate whether a thing is pleasing or displeasing according to its effect on the quality of your relationships. This may cause you, at times, to lay too much emphasis on the opinions of others, deferring to their preferences for the sake of interpersonal harmony.

Неуверенность в себе

Если у человека с Венерой в 7-м доме чувство собственного достоинства неуверенно, вы будете строить отношения в зависимом режиме. Вас будет тянуть к межличностным отношениям настолько сильно, что вы не сможете представить себе существование или личность отдельно от отношений. Вы почти перестанете существовать как личность. С Венерой в 7-м доме отношения становятся просто костылем для вашей собственной неуверенности. Ваш партнер становится заменителем вашей собственной подлинности. Вы полностью живете в рамках отношений, и если отношениям угрожает опасность, вы чувствуете угрозу катастрофы, потому что без партнера от вас ничего не останется.

 Фокус оценки

Благодаря Венере в 7-м доме ваша оценочная способность сосредоточена на сфере межличностных отношений. То, как вещи и события влияют на отношения, в которые вы вовлечены, становится для вас решающим фактором оценки. Вы также склонны оценивать, как действия других людей повлияют на вас. Вы также склонны более активно выносить суждения о людях и отношениях, чем о других вещах. С Венерой в 7-м доме вас могут считать проницательным судьей людей или же вы можете стать слишком критичным и осуждающим других.

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