Sun in Gemini in the Eighth House
Individuals with their Солнце in Gemini are many-sided, quick in thought and action, clever with words, skillful at handling others, and brimming with new ideas. Astrologers regard this third sign of the zodiac as the quintessentially human sign, for it seems to sum up qualities that are the distinguishing hallmarks of the human race—intelligence (Gemini is an air sign), adaptability (Gemini is a mutable sign), and communicativeness (Gemini is ruled by Mercury). Sun in Gemini individuals do not sit back and watch the scenery go by. Having a Sun in Gemini, you are endlessly curious about everything and must be part of the busy passing scene.
With your Sun in Gemini, duality is your most famous trait. You usually want more than one of everything. That includes jobs, hobbies, careers, and lovers. Basically, your nature is restless, on the go, in quest of new ideas and fresh experiences. Things get very dull for you unless you have a constant change of scenery. Gemini is the sign of communication, and its natives have an urgent and continual need to communicate.
As an individual with your Sun in Gemini, you’re a perpetual student of life who never stops asking questions. You love to talk to people, and this is the great secret of your charm. Others open to you like flowers. As a result, you’re a marvelous people manager who can rev up enthusiasm and loyalty.
Having your Sun in Gemini, your quick mind can explain any action, defend any position, and justify any course. A mental busybody, you pick up information here, gossip there, tidbits everywhere. This makes you an ideal conversationalist, for you know a little about everything, though, some have said, not a lot about anything. You also are inclined to have firm opinions on everything (subject to revision at a moment’s notice). What you value most is intellectual independence, and what you lack most is perseverance.
With your Sun in Gemini, you are amusing, versatile and witty, you are a wonderful friend who lifts people out of their gloom. Does someone need advice? Instruction? An introduction? You’re right there, ready to jump in, and others are energized by your enthusiasm. It’s easy to see why you are usually surrounded by friends and admirers because you’re such fun to be with. True, you can be impatient with persons who aren’t as quick as you are, or who can’t keep up with the rapid flow of your thought and speech. However, your natural exuberance sweeps even the most reluctant and surly along with you. Having your Sun in Gemini, in almost any situation you can be as charming as you want to be—with a little extra thrown in.
The Inner You with your Sun in Gemini
Having your Sun in Gemini, you react instantly to new situations, but because you’re so keenly attuned to your environment, you tend to have a nervous temperament. And though you give off sparks of energy, excitement, and charm, inside you feel like a wound-up spring. Others are fascinated by your enthusiasm while inwardly you’re already bored with this person or that project. In your relationships, you’re very giving, but you also need time for yourself. Your Sun in Gemini makes you generous with your time, friendship, and possessions.
The sign position of the Sun indicates how we seek to express ourselves, develop ourselves, fulfill ourselves, and assert our will and power to shape our environment. The house position indicates the area of life in which we choose to focus the energy of our Sun sign and fulfill the purpose which it represents.
Солнце в 8-м доме
The Sun in the 8th Дом suggests that you are engaged with issues of intimacy and privacy and that your identity is linked to these issues. Your tendency will be to be introverted. Because you may feel engaged in matters that should not be publicly observed, you may have difficulty or resistance to expressing yourself or revealing your true identity. You may not be as outgoing as you otherwise might be.
With your Sun in the 8th House, you generally must wrestle with the problem of coming out into the open and dealing with a more public world. At the same time, you are often dealing internally with such private matters as emotional intimacy and security, intimacy in relationships, personal insights and mortality. To the extent that you successfully deal with issues of intimacy, you are likely to develop a proficiency in the art of give and take.
Как человек с Солнцем в 8-м доме, вы, скорее всего, будете постоянно балансировать между потребностями своего личного "я" и требованиями, предъявляемыми к вашему общественному "я". Решая эти вопросы, вы можете развить в себе больший контроль и способность управлять своей жизнью, а это очень важные навыки. Эти личные навыки часто можно перенести на общественную жизнь. На самом деле, если глубина, близость и проницательность, которые вы испытываете внутри себя, придают вам уверенность в себе, вы, естественно, захотите контролировать и управлять другими людьми извне. Конечно, стремление к внешней власти и контролю также может быть бегством от решения интимных, личных проблем.
Солнце в 8-м доме может также указывать на определенную степень зависимости, особенно от ресурсов других людей, с которыми вы тесно связаны. Таким образом, вы можете столкнуться с проблемами самодостаточности. Они могут варьироваться от отстаивания своей финансовой или эмоциональной независимости до решения проблем, связанных с щедростью других людей.
Неуверенность в себе
Если ваше Солнце находится в 8-м доме, то при внутренней неуверенности ваше подсознательное осознание собственной смертности заставляет ваше подсознательное "я" защищать свое эго от этого осознания, чтобы не разрушить свою личность (свое эго). Одним из проявлений этого внутреннего подавления осознания является то, что вы подавляете осознание своей зависимости от других, особенно в плане эмоциональной безопасности и чувства близости. Следовательно, чтобы укрепить свое эго и ощущение существования, вы чувствуете, что должны всегда контролировать ситуацию. Поэтому вы сосредоточены на приобретении и использовании власти, контроле над другими и обеспечении своего господства над ними. Как человека с Солнцем в 8-м доме, вас может привлекать сексуальность. Для вас это, прежде всего, выражение власти и контроля. Скорее всего, вам будет трудно чувствовать и делиться настоящей близостью, потому что для этого нужно отпустить себя и поделиться своим подлинным "я". Вы также можете быть одержимы смертью и оккультизмом, но эта одержимость - психологический тотем, призванный защитить вас от собственной смертности.
Фокус вашей самоидентификации
With your Sun in the 8th House, your identity is likely to be bound up with your intimate relationships, your capacity for sharing, power and/or sexuality. Your identity may also have a distinction between your persona and who you really are. You may either consciously protect your private identity and life or you may unconsciously possess a dual identity. As an individual with your Sun in the 8th House, you may feel that you are who you are because of your capacity for intimacy and emotional interaction. You may place a great deal of value on caring and sharing or may see yourself as someone whose role is to manage or coordinate others. You may also derive your sense of identity from the power that you control and wield. If you identify self-worth with power, then you are subject to pride and arrogance if you have power, and to low self-esteem if you lack power. Identity with sexual prowess is your last resort if you are seeking an identity based on power. If nothing else, you can identify yourself as a sexual being.
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Статья цитируется по:
Гаргатолил, Глубинная астрология: Астрологический справочник - Том 2: Планеты в знаках
Гаргатолил, Глубинная астрология: Астрологический справочник - Том 3: Планеты в домах
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