Северный узел в Деве / Южный узел в Рыбах

The North Node in Virgo in the natal chart is symbolic of a soul urge towards bringing the spiritual aspects of life into the physical world.

Северный узел Девы
Северный узел Девы

With the North Node in Virgo, you are innately spiritual and looking to create a sense of routine and ritual in the spiritual and mundane, giving you a somewhat practical approach to soul development.

Individuals with their North Node in Virgo often find themselves in situations where they are learning to set their own boundaries between giving and receiving. You may find you attract work and отношения where you feel inadequate, therefore you overcompensate by making yourself invaluable. The point opposite the North Node, your South Node, is in Pisces. This implies that in the past you may have engaged in escapist tendencies or found yourself in situations where you were manipulated by authorities or your identity with the archetype of the victim. You are learning to overcome this complex.

The North Node in Virgo spirit is giving you the opportunity to recognize your own goals and dreams so you can work towards them. Despite the past or how others have made you feel this is your opportunity to experience life from your perspective with clarity. Have compassion for yourself and bring a sense of mindfulness to your everyday experiences.

Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out of one’s life too. Read the descriptions below for an understanding of a Virgo North Node through the natal houses.

North Node Virgo in the 1st House / South Node Pisces in the 7th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 1st house of individuality, you are moving away from confusing and chaotic relationships. Moving away from overly merging with other people. No longer feeling sorry for your partner. Charting a specific course for your life. Spending more time getting it right. Learning to continually adjust to new circumstances. Noticing the details of your appearance. Paying attention to your outer physical health. Getting fit and healthy. Understanding how your health affects your outlook. Imbuing a critical outlook with some compassion for other people. Virgo in the 1st house will push you to get specific about your individual path. Cutting out those things that do not serve your purpose. Learning to be helpful without losing personal boundaries. Getting practical about your path in life. Understanding how finding your right work will put you on the right path. Gaining healthy skepticism. Learning discernment. Developing a neater appearance. Beginning to notice how things can be improved in practical ways. Getting better at everything you do, with practice. North Node Virgo in the 1st house will ensure you are no longer losing yourself in your partner. No longer using your partner’s behavior as an excuse. No longer idealizing your partner at your own expense. No longer forgetting who you are when you are in love. Keeping your appearance neat and maintained. Not letting your partner’s sloppiness influence your behavior. Finding your trade and letting it direct your life. Learning to measure your progress in practical, realistic ways.

North Node Virgo in the 2nd House / South Node Pisces in the 8th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 2nd house, you are learning to value practical reality. Developing a realistic financial outlook. Becoming more attuned to the purity of your body. Valuing the purity of your body. Pruning your priorities down to the essentials. Learning to value service, work, and efficiency. No longer letting your priorities merge with other people’s priorities. No longer letting your money merge with other people’s money. Virgo in the 2nd house will ensure you are recognizing the small ways in which your priorities and values are different from those of other people. Keeping your finances in order. Recognizing your innate talents in organizing and creating systems. Earning money through your ability to create and maintain systems. Not letting your possessions get overwhelming or chaotic. Not letting yourself dissolve into confusion when it comes to deep emotional issues. North Node Virgo in the 2nd house will push you to learn to maintain clarity about what you stand for. Not letting yourself get swayed by what other people want. No longer being overly sympathetic to other people’s issues and problems. No longer becoming a doormat when trying to help other people with their “stuff.” Gaining clarity about your personal priorities and what you owe yourself.

North Node Virgo in the 3rd House / South Node Pisces in the 9th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 3rd house of communication, you are mentally or physically making a list of the things you have to do in a day to keep yourself on target. Taking the time to notice the details of your everyday world. Resisting the urge to avoid everyday obligations in search of higher spiritual truths. Developing the mind of an editor. Weeding out the things that do not have practical application to your everyday life. Virgo in the 3rd house asks that you no longer let your mind wander thinking about philosophy, religion, or abstractions. No longer traveling to avoid reality. Becoming of service to the people in your immediate environment. Moving away from “winging it.” Learning to organize your thoughts. Learning to organize your day. Learning to communicate clearly and precisely. Letting people know exactly what you think. Practicing mindfulness. Keeping your ability to step back and take a compassionate look at the big picture, even as you give the details the attention they need. Learning to think realistically. Being in the here and now. North Node Virgo in the 3rd house will ensure you are moving away from lifestyle choices based on vague ideas about compassion and kindness. Running away is not a lifestyle option.

North Node Virgo in the 4th House / South Node Pisces in the 10th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 4th house of home, roots, family, and self-care you are becoming less concerned with whether people think you’re spiritual, psychic, or compassionate and becoming more concerned with the details of your family life. Becoming deeply concerned with your health. Becoming deeply concerned with serving the people you consider to be part of your “clan.” Moving away from a reputation of being unreliable, evasive, or chaotic. No longer being so concerned that the people “out there” don’t get you. Moving away from vague professional relationships. Virgo in the 4th house will push you to understand the facts about where you come from. Getting to know the details of your parents‟ lives rather than idealizing them. Finding out exactly what you need to consider a place “home.” Building a home to your exact specifications. North Node Virgo in the 4th house will ensure you are keeping career chaos out of your private home life. Learning the details about taking care of a house. Perfecting your home. No longer needing to be an authority on spirituality, escapism, drugs, or anything else that alters your perception of reality. No more unrealistic fantasies about becoming a movie star.

North Node Virgo in the 5th House / South Node Pisces in the 11th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 5th house of self-expression, you are urged to make time to hone your skills for your own personal enjoyment and satisfaction. Taking on hobbies that require precision and exactitude. Getting to know all the little things about your girlfriend or boyfriend. Falling in love with the details. Taking pleasure in taking care of your health. Finding pleasure in instructing and showing people how to do things. Virgo in the 5th house will ensure you are expressing joy and pleasure through service. Showing off your skills. No longer trying to reform your friends. Moving away from sacrificing your personal relaxation time for the sake of the group. Becoming clear about what your personal creative goals are. Developing a practical system to develop your creative talents. North Node Virgo in the 5th house will ask you to put in the practical hard work you need to achieve your personal creative goals. Giving your hobbies the focused attention they deserve. Giving your lover the focused attention they need and deserve. Learning to serve your lover’s needs.

North Node Virgo in the 6th House / South Node Pisces in the 12th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 6th house, you are learning how to help people in a practical, observable way. No longer losing yourself in impractical, unrealistic concerns. No longer drifting off into the world of imagination. Getting up every day, getting to work on time, and dealing with the daily grind. Resisting the urge to avoid your daily obligations. No longer oversleeping to avoid obligations. No longer using being a victim as an excuse. Taking realistic steps to manage your health. Beginning to learn about health systems. Beginning to learn about the systems of the body. Virgo in the 6th house will ask you to pay attention to the details of your body and understand the specifics of how everything works. Applying compassion through the health field. Using your psychic abilities in your work. Understanding, that while there is a larger reality, you are now bound to the current, present, discernible reality. North Node Virgo in the 6th house pushes you to no longer let sorrow and grief hold you back from getting on with the realities and obligations of life. While you have tremendous compassion, sensitivity and psychic ability, you have to focus on the here and now.

North Node Virgo in the 7th House / South Node Pisces in the 1st House

With a North Node Virgo in the 7th house of relationships, you are learning to focus on your partner. Getting clear about the types of people you want to develop close relationships with. Recognizing your own inner critic and how you project it onto other people. Developing a very specific sense of artistic appreciation. Recognizing the craftsperson within you that you tend to project onto other people. Virgo in the 7th house will ask you to learn to pay attention to the details of what your partner wants and needs. No longer being evasive when your partner points out what needs fixing or extra attention. No longer feeling sorry for yourself when you are criticized. Learning to take constructive criticism from other people. Learning to take “pointers” on how you can approve. No longer sinking into self-pity, escapist behavior, or fantasy. Entering realistic relationships that demand real-time engagement. Perfecting your relationships. Never ceasing to find new ways to make your relationships even better. Releasing your blasé attitude as it concerns your partner and significant relationships. Asking how you can help your partner instead of always being on the receiving end of their help. North Node Virgo in the 7th house ensures you are paying attention to how your relationships affect you instead of accepting whatever comes your way. Learning to discern what types of relationships are good for you, and avoiding those that aren’t.

North Node Virgo in the 8th House / South Node Pisces in the 2nd House

With a North Node Virgo in the 8th house, you are discerning how you are tied to other people in a deep way. Moving away from vague priorities and an inadequately defined value system. Making clear distinctions where other people and their problems begin. No longer letting your personal priorities fly out the window when deeply connecting with another person. No longer using your sensitivity as an excuse not to deal with complex emotional issues. Virgo in the 8th house will ensure you are no longer using your poor money skills as an excuse for why you can’t deal with your debt efficiently. No more escaping through spiritual values. Learning to deal with complex relationships in the here and now. Learning practical skills for dealing with debt, loans, mortgages, and other financial obligations. Learning psychological analysis. Learning a specific method of therapy. Becoming involved in therapeutic bodywork. Understanding how specific systems of therapy can help people. Becoming an apprentice to a specific therapeutic method. Teaching people practical skills to cope with their problems. North Node Virgo in the 8th house will urge you to realize that compassion isn’t enough in certain circumstances – sometimes people need realistic answers to their problems. Understanding how each person is distinct in what they like, and do not like, sexually. Finding a partner who gives consideration to your sexual wants and needs. Finding a sex partner who will give you pointers and instruction. Learning to value cleanliness, health, and clear boundaries in sexual relationships.

North Node Virgo in the 9th House / South Node Pisces in the 3rd House

With a North Node Virgo in the 9th house of expansion and the higher mind, you are getting beyond vague spiritual talk and learning to articulate exactly what you mean. No more fuzzy thinking. Learning to organize your thoughts into cohesive theories and ideas. Organizing and separating your ideas into clear concepts. Finding out what specific lifestyle choices you can make to bring clarity to your life. Virgo in the 9th house will ensure you are putting yourself in service to something greater. Serving a set of principles that go beyond the mundane. Finding a practical, doable belief system. Breaking down abstract concepts into smaller, digestible chunks. Making healthy living part of your life philosophy. Seeing daily work as part of your life philosophy. North Node Virgo in the 9th house urges you to find meaning through your daily work. Finding meaning through service.

North Node Virgo in the 10th House / South Node Pisces in the 4th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 10th house, you are gaining a reputation for being efficient, organized, and on top of things. Becoming known for your discerning taste. No longer hiding out at home. No longer making excuses to stay in the safety of your own home. No longer using your family as an excuse for why you can’t go out into the world and make a name for yourself. Virgo in the 10th house will ensure you are gaining recognition for your pointed criticisms and accurate observations. North Node Virgo in the 10th house asks you make practical accomplishments in the real world. Becoming widely known for your methods or systems. Letting your career be a spotlight for your specific skill set. Finding your perfect place in the world.

North Node Virgo in the 11th House / South Node Pisces in the 5th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 11th house, you are becoming more involved in serving the larger community. Finding ways to work with groups of people toward specific goals. Creating systems for organizations. Organizing groups of people around ideals of health, cleanliness, service, and efficiency. No longer going to drug parties. Virgo in the 11th house asks you to get real about the practical steps you can take to make the world a better place. Devising a system that actually helps a lot of people. Finding an audience for your skill set. Learning to associate with people who share your specific interests. No more delusions about your own creative abilities. Working on your craft within a group setting. Learning to accept criticism from the group. No more unhealthy merging with love interests. No more murky, confusing, or chaotic romantic relationships. No more unhealthy merging with creative projects. Starting to set some specific, realistic long-term goals. No more unhealthy merging with your children. North Node Virgo in the 11th house will ensure you are resisting the urge to lose yourself in romantic relationships and developing healthier boundaries with your friends.

North Node Virgo in the 12th House / South Node Pisces in the 6th House

With a North Node Virgo in the 12th house, you are getting over poor, sloppy, disorganized habits and routines. Developing clear, detailed spiritual practices. Meditation practice. Practicing the art of Zen. No longer losing yourself in your work. Making clear delineations between work time and alone time. Using alone time to regain your health. Using alone time to read, think, mull over the details and work out your inner fears. Making time alone to work on a craft or skill. Virgo in the 12th house will ensure you are learning to pay attention to the details of your dreams. Learning mindfulness in meditative states. Creating a sleeping routine. Not letting your waking life intrude on your sleeping life. No longer spacing out on the job. Finding out what you can do in your time off will help you become more efficient and streamlined when you go to work. Making sure to take care of all the little things when you have time off. Beginning to see work as a kind of meditation and meditation as a spiritual practice. Learning how the waking world and dreaming world are interrelated. Dreaming a new reality. No longer overly merging with coworkers or employees. Discovering how health and spiritual practice are interrelated. North Node Virgo in the 12th house will ask you to help those in need and give service to those less fortunate.

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