The combination of your Sun sign and your Luna sign shows you to be a strong individual with an even stronger and more determined drive to achieve your ends. You can be very dedicated in your efforts to further important personal ambitions. The congenial, peaceable, and placid attributes of the bull (Taurus) are sure to be present, but Aries provides an emotional stimulation that makes you much more assertive than most Taurus natives. You have a sparkling enthusiasm that keeps you on the move asserting your natural leadership traits. While involved in an issue, your mind is actively and restlessly searching for loopholes, weak points, or contradictions. When you find an inconsistency in logic or in the facts, your quickness to judge comes into play and you form a definite opinion on the matter in seconds. If you later discover a contradiction to this argument, you may just as rapidly drop your position and with equal rigidity, hold to the opposite view. There are great inconsistencies in your nature, much more than you may realize or admit. You can be tolerant and broad-minded in your viewpoints one minute, and totally biased and unreasonable the next. Even when you aren’t insisting on something, you have a way of making your wishes known by a manner, a gesture, or a lack of enthusiasm that clearly states your position. When you are directly arguing a point, you have a way of being so plausible and apparently reasonable that you wear down resistance. You have a way of eliminating opposition by the sheer strength of your will. The traits of this configuration are ones that demand harnessing and controlling. If this is accomplished, there is little that you cannot accomplish. Generally, your ability to interact with people will be difficult, and your greatest achievements will be realized by directing your efforts toward impersonal activities.
Cele mai mari puncte forte ale tale
Charisma, confidence, courage, indefatigable resilience, unswerving belief in yourself, organizational flair and practical instinct for making your dreams come true.
Cele mai mari slăbiciuni ale tale
Stubbornness, tendency to be quarrelsome and to ride roughshod over others, self-centeredness, tendency to let emotionalism turn you into a bully.
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Faza Lunii în care v-ați născut vă rafinează și mai mult Semnul Lunii, revealing more about your inner nature than you could possibly imagine. You may be pulled toward certain personality traits or ways of thinking. And knowing about those predispositions can help you take advantage of them — or avoid them.
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