The combination of your Sun sign and your Luna sign produces a very warm-hearted, honest, and open personality. The pairing blends the personal dash, optimism, enthusiasm and directness of Sagittarius, with the warmth, generosity, pride, and authoritativeness of Leo. You have a love of mankind and a code that combines good judgment with a very tolerant attitude. This combination is very dedicated, dedicated to honor, prestige, and achieving stature in the world. And to attain your goals, you are not one to take shortcuts, not one to lie, cheat, or do anything underhanded in order to gain an advantage. Honor is all important and your word is an unbreakable bond. The fiery combination of these two signs doesn’t need any unfair advantages to succeed because there is more than enough energy and enthusiasm to get where you want to be. You’ll keep pursuing your goals long after others have thrown in the towel. When you go after something, you go after it tooth and nail. Any obstacle you face is considered only a temporary problem and little gets you down for long. This is a very positive combination, quite indicative of happiness and success. If you can avoid scattering your energies, you can move mountains. You are naturally inclined toward public service, either in law, education, or government. The prestige of the position is more important than the salary. This is a high-minded combination, full of ideas and ideals. You may have problems dealing with the small people of the world that refuse to grow and progress. You are intellectually philosophic, broad-minded, and highly creative. Your creativity is in the ability to form an image in your mind and then bring to reality that clear picture you envisioned. You take life seriously, with a keen sense of the importance of making the most of it. Unless something is really messed up in your chart, you are truly a super person.
Cele mai mari puncte forte ale tale
Creative imagination, sense of the drama of life, playfulness and openness to new adventure, ability to see potential in people and situations, optimism, courage, leadership abilities, nobility of spirit, capacity to bring light and warmth into the lives of others.
Cele mai mari slăbiciuni ale tale
Impatience, temper tantrums, being bossy and opinionated, propensity to grab the limelight of others to hide insecurity, difficulty in accepting normal human limitations, lack of sensitivity to other people’s needs, taking yourself too seriously, self-centeredness.
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