Your Strengths and Weaknesses with a Pisces Sun and Aries Moon

The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces an inner nature that differs greatly from the outer or projected personality. It’s hard to strike a balance between a sense of inward peace, and reactions that are quite impulsive, active and even aggressive. There is a blending of emotional sensitivity, adaptability and understanding that is Pisces, with the high spirit and independence of Berbec. With this, there is generally a strong urge for personal advancement, fame or at least recognition, but you may need greater confidence and inward incentive to realize these desires. You may possess considerable ability for personal expression if you can just make the decision to go after it. Your strength lies in your natural love of knowledge and your urge to always be well informed. You are also very self-reliant, showing keen mental ability, the ability to think for yourself. It’s important for you to avoid extremes in your life, understanding the value of moderation and self-control. You should not neglect your need to find a peaceful world and a calm approach to problems, despite natural tendencies to overdo and be rather hard-driving. In many ways, you seem to be very assertive, competitive, and determined, but in actual fact, you are not really as positive and sure of yourself as you appear. In some ways, there is a good bit of bluff in your personality. You put a lot of romance and feeling into everything you do, expressing much enthusiasm with a most purposeful approach to life. Yours is an unusual combination in that it possesses a rare capacity for depth of feeling, imagination, and vision, while it also features so much personal assertiveness and a powerful demand for independence.

Cele mai mari puncte forte ale tale

Quiet charisma, warmth and optimism, frank spirit and jovial fellow feeling, combined sensitivity and impetuosity, which makes you fun to be with, ability to enter the race whilst at the same time encouraging the very best in your opponents, capacity to laugh at human nature and bounce back.

Cele mai mari slăbiciuni ale tale

Fear that your abilities and worth will not be noticed, making you go overboard in your efforts to win, tendency to be touchy and argumentative and to take yourself too seriously, inclination to be at the mercy of emotional fluctuations between selfishness and consideration for others, and an inner frustration when to do one seems to totally deny the other.

Semnele tale lunare Faza lunară unică

Faza Lunii sub care te-ai născut îți rafinează și mai mult semnul lunar, dezvăluind mai multe despre natura ta interioară decât ți-ai putea imagina. Este posibil să fiți atras către anumite trăsături de personalitate sau moduri de gândire. Iar cunoașterea acestor predispoziții vă poate ajuta să profitați de ele - sau să le evitați.

V-ați născut la o Lună Plină a Berbecului? Sau ai fost pe o Lună Gibboasă în scădere a Berbecului? Și ce înseamnă toate acestea?

Pentru a afla ce dezvăluie despre tine semnul și faza ta lunară, Obțineți o lectură video gratuită și personalizată a Lunii aici.


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